Where should 25%[LP allocation] from curve go?

Thanks for correct my number. :laughing:
Let’s say we choose option 2. We have to payback 2,740,000 GHST and 926,022 USDC to DAO.
From my understand we better to do this within 2 month because QS LM will expire soon.

According to your choice in discord Discord

  1. 1 GHST is 1 GHST, trying to reimburse the max GHST we can with the funds we have (leading to reimburse all the GHST if we succeed to get enough)
  2. Reimburse at the GHST value of the proposal (Would be a fix 3M$ of buy of GHST)
  3. Reimburse at the added liquidity GHST value (Would be a fix 4M$ of buy of GHST)

I love choice 1 and if we do quick enough and take an extreme sample (bought all GHST at $1.15) DAO will have the same amount of GHST and USDC [2,740,000 GHST and 926,022 USDC] with another $3.5M in LP allocation to do LP.

So the LP making will separate into two phases

  1. buyback GHST until we have 2,740,000 GHST and pay back to DAO
  2. Use the remaining DAI to buyback and make LP

Scenario 1: GHST price rise up so we cannot acquire full amount. We will pay back as much as we can.
Scenario 2: We could acquire 2,740,000 GHST but cannot payback 926,022 USDC. We will pay back as much as we can.
Scenario 3: We could acquire 2,740,000 GHST and payback 926,022 USDC. We will use remaining DAI to buyback and make an LP.

Let me know what you think