Capsules: The Alternative to Raffles

Good question. The raffle system in its current implementation releases new valuable wearables (and, more rarely, land and gotchis) at irregular intervals, and that’s it. For the purpose of differentation I’ll call these BRSWearables.

Most capsule rewards would be things with aesthetic value (decorations and vanity items), temporary value (buff items), or which would increase competitiveness in the gotchiverse proper (performance-boosting or ability-granting wearables and installations) without affecting things like rarity farming or alchemica production. We could also shift inflation away from existing NFTs to new classes of NFTs (such as lickquidator-specific items, crafting items, socket items, etc). The idea would be to preserve the passive yield generation that currently incentivizes GHST and GHST pairs, without relying on inflation that dilutes the most valuable NFTs in the ecosystem.

The new market would be in selling capsules, fragments, and unusual aesthetic/utility rewards, rather than directly increasing the number of BRSWearables in the game every time we try to reward liquidity providers.

There is still the option of running raffle-like games with exclusive item drops, whether from Pixelcraft or from partner projects, but they would no longer be required for the system to work. Such items could also be seeded into the pools progressively, with very low drop rates, or accessible only through fragments, as we experiment with new ways of releasing wearables (and their parameters) into the game.

I agree that NFT inflation is a problem and I’ve wondered if we can radically rethink how future parcels and gotchis get released.

I think a hybrid payment model has potential, my concern would be in the difficulty of balancing and in complexity for the user, but I really like the idea of attributing different benefits to paying with different kinds of tokens. Paying GLTR to affect the luck of a roll, provide insurance, or perform some other kind of secondary function could be a way of pulling that token into the system, while using Alchemica, FRENS, or GHST to actually buy the capsule itself. I think that’s pretty thematic for GLTR, as it shortens the time a player will have to spend gacha-ing to get the item they want. I’ll have to think about this one.

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