Aavegochi Guuru: Testing the AI assistant

Hi frens, I have build a test version of AI assistant (ChatGPT based) that would answer most of your questions about aavegotchi and gotchiverse as it seems it is an ongoing roadblock for new community members joining as we are in a pretty deep rabbit hole and more often than not it is quite intimidating.

Aavegotchi Guuru answers most of the questions but it’s knowledge base i have still has to be supplemented and cleaned. Additionally it would be possible to add it to our discord channel, but for that i would need help of a dev to make it work directly through an API.

So what do you think, is it worth expanding and sinking more time and effort into this? If so if any dev would undertake such a task i would try to make a DAO proposal for a little bit of funding for myself and dev to make it as complete experience as possible. It would not be very expensive, but have to talk to a dev how much of his time it would take to create a discord bot that would infare with OpenAI via API.

This small project basically consists of two tasks:

  1. Preparing clean, complete and efficient database (ideally some database we can update real time or simply a series of doc files that would need to be updated manually from time to time as new knowledge becomes available).

  2. Creating discord chat bot and connecting it to OpenAI custom GPT via API that i would create.

If you have a paid ChatGPT subscription you can test it out here: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-cJjx1ada0-aavegotchi-guuru