Collateral use cases

so Ghost is like a bond right?
liquidity paired with dollars or something like that, probably debt or could be.
their should be an option to expose your collateral to partial amount of ghost in order to provide liquidity to people swapping and using aave/aavegotchi on quickswap.
this makes the collateral even more efficient yes?
then you have staked collateral paired with a bond making fees on swap.
and ghst collateral inside aave? unless the idea is we dont want them to know what were doing.
makes the actual liquidity inside the aavegotchi risk flattened probably helps the overall protocol if the idea is to provide an active ecosystems of swappers, players, aagents, stakers, savers, borrowers.

possible drawdowns could be exposing ghst to individual underlying risk. i feel as if this risk is already baked in whether we want it or not. all of defi holds major exposure to any of these collaterals. We picked um because we believe in using um lets make its work…
other people might see this differently.
looking forward to reading what you all think.

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how did this get missed?

I agree 100 on this. As an investor, a community member, a trader.
I want my collateral to be as efficient as possible. I also don’t want to have to rely on selling “my” gotchi (my prized collection) to generate collateral to spend. i also imagine this could help stabilize the market abit. Less flash sales/crashing the market to liquidate waayyyy below base value, just for a couple “ghst” to enter a raffle every haunt. :smirk:

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