Preventing gotchis listed for rental from being able to channel

Lol that is cool because you initiated the convo but that one little quote does not really capture the tone of the several posts that i have made.

You rangā€¦? Seriously tho I totally could have generated a report on this for a peanut-sized bounty if somebody hit me up. Unfortunately Iā€™m no good at following new threads if they arenā€™t brought up in the weekly meetings or debated ad nauseam on Discord. Just too much going on- it gets hard to follow.

I agree that this is a no-brainer though, regardless of how minimal the impact so far. Unfortunately the attack vector will still exist- as channeling and then immediately listing could have the same outcome. Fortunately, thereā€™s a way to check the subgraph status to ensure youā€™re getting up-to-date information- as long as the subgraph block >= the block the gotchi was listed for rental, then with this change the problem could be solved. Hopefully developers of third-party tools will be mindful to perform this check of the subgraph status. (Actually just realized that the suggested fix alone should solve the issue, because the subgraph will index the channeling event before indexing the listing event anyway :face_with_spiral_eyes:)

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Cool so from my understanding the indexing would prevent the channeling but there could still be a ā€œvisual bugā€ listing it as being able to channel in the interm, correct?