Hello frens,
Today has been an interesting day of discussions and debates following the new anti-bot lending measures. First off, I think we can all agree that it’s absolutely awesome that Coderdan and the Pixelcraft team have listened to our concerns and taken action this quickly. Man, feels good to be heard.
On to the main point here, there is currently a lot of concern amongst laandlords who regularly require multiple publicly rented gotchis to support channeling on their laands. Obviously the goal here is to support more peer-to-peer lending agreements with reliable players, and I think many of us can agree that we like that! Though as some frens have pointed out, perhaps this one-gotchi limit per 24 hours is too much of a hindrance. So, what about something similar, but just a bit more mild?
I’m wondering if a shorter mandatory delay, per renter, might be an interesting alternative. Lets say, instead of limiting one wallet to renting one gotchi per day by default on the public market, we could implement a specific duration (perhaps a certain amount of blocks) in which a renter must wait until they can rent again. My assumption is that this could have a similar effect in curbing mass-bot rentals (which usually happen so fast that people can’t compete) but also maintain the ability for real, active laandlords to rent more than one gotchi a day with less hassle.
I’d love to hear criticism, ideas, and feedback from my fellow frens and the big brains out there! Maybe if this is something that we like, we can tweak it and flesh it out together into an official proposal.