2023 Kinship Burn Initiative

haha, i definitely hear you fren!

As a single gotchi owner myself I van vouch that GLTR has a higher chance of making me want to leave than charging kinship. With kinship I can make the choice to go for the leaderboards or channel whereas GLTR just means I have to spend more to get less.

There should be a cost for everything but I understand its hard to start charging people for something they’ve been getting free

GLTR is a pay to win mechanic you see on “freemium” mobile games. All the rich people just buy the best stuff then dunk on people like me who are actually trying to play the game. The more gltr is included the more of a whale game it becomes, the less gltr is included the more varied the playerbase will be

Also, charging GLTR doesnt really (in my mind) address thr goal - reducing alcheminca emissions - it just becomes part of the equation. People will channel as much as they can as long as its profitable thus increasing demand for GLTR but not reducing alchemica supply.

why do they leave if their gotchis get more valuable every day agains other gotchis that are burning KIN for farming? High KIN gotchis are special treat because you need so much time for them to grow!

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If high kin gotchis owners analyse this mechanics deeper they would understood that for them there is a path of accumulating KIN

this proposal is actually makes KIN much more valuable, high KIN gotchis should love it! @Egor

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it’s my opinion that we pay a little too much attention to this particular slice or perspective of the economic spectrum while ignoring others. I think it is a consequence of our RF leaderboards.

But from a matter of perspectives, the renters, those with low kin gotchis to begin with, the scholars, they could easily argue you are a gotchi-owning-whale from a privileged part of the world, introducing tough choices now aka nerfs to their game (nevermind those who simply wont find scholarships or rentals anymore), because you want to climb higher on a whale-game leaderboard, to earn more for yourself while they get kicked out of the game.

I think that too often we take people who are still very privileged, acting as needing concessions from the entire ecosystem, because “look at those rich people dunking”. But it should go both ways. In this case, I want to speak up and call foul because kinship burn does indeed hurt scholars and renters. It hurts the very lowest rung of our economic ladder to support players above them. I hope you don’t take it the wrong way but fair is fair.


I disagree - I believe a kinship burn treats everyone equally and will bolster the economy in the process. AGIP49 has had no major effect on our emissions (we are already back to pre AGIP49 emissions) but demolished low lvl aaltars in the process. Kinship burn treats everyone equally. Even the high kin gotchis will not be channeling daily, they will want to guard their spots on the leaderboards as well.

Even just charging 10 gltr per channel or something would be better than a freemium speed-it-up mechanic. I just feel that if we want to be a quality game we shouldnt rely on cheesy mechanics.

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this is contradicting. ask around and you will find that most all the large gotchi holders that currently support guilds and scholars with daily channeling, will be shutting down.

Again, you are thinking of only owners of 1 gotchi and above, who happen to care about climbing RF and dislike GLTR. This is not the wide market, its just users like yourself, not all those that rely on the supply of gotchis that would go offline. Many own parcels and rent a gotchi daily instead of owning. I have 3 scholars I will be cancelling that I could invite to DM and explain to you how they would prefer to spend some GLTR in order to have a channeling to do/ a service to provide, rather than leaving the protocol altogether because they can’t find gotchis to channel be it by rental or scholarship.

I’m sorry, contradicting to what?

Most guilds will not shut down because we charge 1 kinship to channel because everyone is being charged 1 kinship to channel.

If everyone channels at the same time then the economy hasn’t changed because it’s all relative.

If everyone channels every other day on average then the relative economy hasn’t changed but we fix the emission problem by 50%.

If a high kin gotchi channels every day they will get an advantage in the short term but lose relative strength in the long term - eventually requiring them to quit channeling every day if they want to stay competitive.

If a low kin gotchi channels every other day they gain relative strength.

I don’t see how this is unfair to anyone

edit - I own 1 gotchi and rent 3 at all times. I’ve never been unable to find a gotchi to rent - yes the rental market will rebalance but it wont be a doomsday scenario as is suggested. Making scholars pay out gltr will have the same effect - forcing rental prices to go down and guilds to ‘shut down’ as you say. our economy needs a drastic fix and I see charging kinship as the most effective way to accomplish it

the highest kinship gotchis, lose the benefit of channeling they once had. as you said yourself, they wont be channeled. The scholars and renters that were accessing these gotchis, now have access to zilch. There is definitely an impact on different users, just not the ones you advocate for. If you owned a high kinship gotchi atop the leaderboard, or if you owned a parcel and your guildie was lending you one gotchi and is now clawing it back, perhaps you’d get it.

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I do get it - charging gltr will have the same effect but may or may not fix the alchemica issue.

i see gltr as opening a lot of flexibility, for the inevitable consequences such as scholars etc that would be affected.

You see it as a monetary gimmick to be charging GLTR, its really about perspectives. I introduced gltr from the starting point of offering 1 free weekly channel (this helps people who care about both kinship and channeling, they exist in our community and they do matter) - and GLTR as a tool/option to make the waiting less severe.

I feel the introduction of gltr keeps being seen as about introducing a fee- whereas i see it as a viable tool to help those that need to channel more than once a week and are willing to burn kinship, they may as well pay in gltr commensurate to how much they’re speeding up this weekly process- that’s where i’m coming from with the idea ot use gltr- it only comes about as part of wanting to offer 1 free weekly channel that costs nothing, not even kinship.

GLTR/ GHST has a tiny market cap. It would be all too easy for large hands to collude and make GLTR too expensive to purchase for a channel thus harming scholars irreparably. This would also force the scholars to compete even more against bots now that they need to watch an entirely new market just to channel.

Further harming scholars because the power would shift almost entirely to faarmers. Idk man, I see your points and respect your point of view I just don’t see it as the most effective way to accomplish the goal of balancing alchemica emmissions to spending. Charging gltr just seems like throwing a wrench into the machine and hope it fixes something

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yeah. maybe its better to rely on code and not gltr for timings. i think many are seeing gltr as a failed token, and if we are to assume that view, then your arguments become more on point.

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This is such absolute truth. It deserves its own thread.

We set up this awesome time lock of a build economy, and then we broke it from the get go with glitter.


Well yes, everyone’s yield in alchemica would decrease but the economy will stabilize. Likely your yield in USD will maintain.

We all agree there is an imbalance in emissions but no one is willing to reduce their yield to fix it. If we continue on like this we will all be broke. Especially once all the construction from the current contest starts cranking out alch

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You make a good point and I was just looking at that the other day. Prices were trending back up but they began tanking when the PVP alpha came out and it was raining alchemica. I believe a lot of that went into construction, at least thats what I spent it on. That trend continued until the current contest.

AGIP 49 was not a uniform nerf. It heavily cut a portion of players who were forced to upgrade or die. Those that upgraded are now compounding the problem we were trying to fix in the first place. I’d be interested to see data on where the majority of emissions are coming from now.

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Right, as we can see the vast majority of emissions are still coming from channeling.

It is also clear that we are pretty much back to pre AGIP49 emission levels. Which tells me that most players just upgraded their Aaltars and now we are in the same position.

Which leads me to believe that we need broader, more severe emission nerfs to balance the economy. Nerfs that are uniform across all player bases so we don’t have another AGIP49.

If charging kinship isn’t the answer please propose something that will provide a meaningful and lasting impact.

Exactly. The higher you are in the leaderboard, the more you get for each KIN. The proposed mechanic benefits KIN whales.


Great conversation here guys.

One idea I’d like to float is a combat/gotchiverse benefit to high kinship to pair with a Kinship burn. Right now you only get a protocol level benefit to high kinship (rarity farming). The extra channeling yield is kind of irrelevant if you’re going to stop channeling because of this prop and like @CryptoGotchi mentioned, because of the formula, the extra channelling yield actually gets less attractive the higher your kinship is.

I’ve heard different versions of this before but what if high kinship made your gotchi more controllable in combat? So with low kinship your gotchi is more likely to disobey your attacks or become confused in combat. This way you kind of choose to have lower BRS as your farmers and use their kinship to channel and your higher BRS combat gotchis you never channel so they’re more controllable in combat. I think this would give people more incentive to save their kinship and therefore not channel which will be great for the economy.

Let me know your thoughts frens.


I like this. If we give Kinship a use in combat (in combo with the burn) that would lead to more gotchi specialization, more player choice, and likely less alchemica emissions.

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