2023 Kinship Burn Initiative

Sorry if i worded that wrong. I meant to say that it would penalize players not you personally would be responsible for the action. Did not mean to offend :+1:

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I am so glad this is being brought up again. For a moment, imagine you are a brand new player looking through all of the crypto games and deciding which one you want to play. You reach Aavegotchi – ‘oh wow these are cute, they’ve got a strong community, let’s see what it’s like to play.’ Then you DYOR…

‘What’s the bare minimum to get started?’ Oh, cool I only have to buy a humble for $25? PSYCHE! You have to buy 4 more tokens (5 if you want GLTR), then level it to at least 4 before it makes any sort of financial sense (which takes like a month btw), THEN you have to rent a couple gotchis every single day.

Ok, cool, let’s say someone has actually done hours of research to make it this far (because there really isn’t a newbie guide) and is actually down to do this…

‘How can I progress in this game?’ Oh lol, you really can’t. Rarity farming looks fun? Sorry, that cute little floor gotchi you got for $350 is actually complete trash. Oh, the only way I can make my gotchi better relative to other gotchis is if someone else’s petting service crashes? I know, I know, you really like your little trash gotchi, you named him, you pet him, now sell him and buy a better one. You’ll never reach the top unless you buy the top.

The feeling a player gets of progression and accomplishment is one of the most important things in a quality video game. To enter Aavegotchi and come out stronger than you started is INCREDIBLY difficult in the current stage. Kinship burning is the first of many improvements I believe our game needs before we can ever hope to attract the masses.

Not only will this open up a path to the leaderboards but it will offer a few more more exciting features – CHOICE, LEADERBOARD PVP, and REDUCED ALCHEMICA EMISSIONS. Right now there is really no choice on how you ‘build out’ your gotchi, what you get is what you get. This will open up different paths/ strategies for the player to focus on. Also - Leaderboard PVP - If the person you are chasing channels then you are safe to channel. Or if he channels you can make the choice to press up another point that day and shorten the gap.

I do NOT think we should involve GLTR in this. GLTR is the reason we have a trash economy in the first place – do you really want to make it worse? Imagine if we never had GLTR, there were no max level aaltars on day 1, and people actually had to play the game…


thanks for sharing all these thoughts fren, the thread was hurting for advocates of burning to make arguments in favor. looking forward to more contributions and opinions so everyone feels involved on what happens on this.

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(you know I have bag of gotchis)

(1) I am very much in support of burning KIN and starting this mini-game.

(2) the complexity of getting GLTR involved in not justified. On paper its looks good: more expensive GLTR naturally creates a demand for more alchemica … Yet in reality you have 1 more variable to constantly balance (and it can get out of hand very quickly). Without GLTR we will still achieve the same properties and make alchemica much more rare

I think we should implement simple mechanic first and analyse how it will effect the economy.


From your ideas and proposals, I see: OG gotchi players only think about how to make the game more complicated. In this way, ordinary people and ordinary people will not come in to play at all. This is a major problem in the development of DAOs. There are no ordinary people who have the right to speak in DAO, and no one who can’t even use a wallet. So the final result of gotchi’s development is that there are only deep players and no newcomers. In the end it became a niche game.
What I think about kin is to breed or get the H3 gate and consume it directly.

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Think of it this way, to be able to vote in an election you must first be a resident there and also provide identification to participate. This is pretty much universal when it comes to voting. With any on-chain voting, your wallet is your identification and without it you will not be able to vote. Lastly, the assets (i.e. 1 tokens/1 NFT) you own verify your “citizenship” to be able to cast your vote. Anyone that has these 2 basic things can vote and if you do not have them you can not vote. Personally, i believe that if you do not have these basic things you should not participate in any DAO forums since you can not vote :man_shrugging:.

I would like to expand on my reasoning for using GLTR with an example:

Imagine we have a similar situation where we are a prison and we are budgeting toilet paper for inmates( :smile:)

The current situation is: every inmate is given a new roll of paper every day, and it has created oversupply. From paper sculptures, to actual weapons- the inmates are exploiting all this free toilet paper, assign little value to it, and supply must be reduced.

Someone says, “Hey, lets just give them one roll of paper every week!”
somoene else says, “I have it! Just charge $1 for every roll! You’ll see!”

There are problems with the above two solutions: They are extreme- they only consider one side of things: the oversupply, without considering inmates that have health issues, without considering inmates that volunteer their extra paper for good and useful things.
They mean no harm, but their generalized solutions, apparently “frenly” because of their simplicity, are quietly extremely tyrannical in their unintended consequences on the community. It’s hard to connect it in our head, but an inmate with a health problem could die, or kill himself, from the simple decision of reducing paper supply.

So… someone else says… “lets try charging 5 cents per roll! Maybe if all the inmates pay a tiny bit, they will not buy oversupply, and they may value it more and not waste it.”

In my opinion, we have a very similar situation here- we can charge a bit of GLTR to those that need or want to continue with daily channeling. It is the least disruption when considering EVERYONE and their own story- plus the best for the overall economy.

MMORPGs are incredibly complex. We perhaps need to focus less on fear of introducing complexity, and focus more on how to turn apparent complexity into simple+fun gameplay loops for users, this is what the good games do instead of being simply simple. Simply simple is boring and the market can also punish that- as well as it does with too much complexity.

I can see your point… Main game mechanics should be very easy to understand, they must be beautiful and addictive in a sense that everybody can have a go and win a prize and in-game glory. It should be easy to explain the game to at least average crypto user

It should not be: “we lock your reward in these 4 coins balancer pool, then you can either pull it now or and get 0.1% more APY in RF reward, and to pull it out you need a pay 10% in GLTR”. This is a path for extracting a value from the game not a path to fun game play

Yeah, so I prefer to call gotchis blockchain pets. This kind of developing game will allow people to learn about some innovations of aavegotchi step by step. There are so many directions for development, it seems that the community has forgotten the development of gotchis blockchain pets. DAOs start to add complexity, extracting value from the game. Instead of attracting people outside the cryptocurrency circle to keep pets. Attract them to build a community together, and eventually become a hit.
Or you can be complicated behind the scenes, but the operation makes ordinary people feel that they are still on the web2.0 network. Or you can also be complicated and operated by OG, but ordinary people also have simple participation channels.

lets speak the same but in alchemica terms,
by charging 5-20% in GLTR you get nothing but a 5-20% per action tax on current alchemica flow

How come this balance shift is better from a model when we simply reduce alchemica inflow speed by introducing strategical mini game on top of KIN!?

currently there is some established equilibrium between alchemica bulls and GLTR bulls. I think it is in good shape. Why do you want to shift in more towards GLTR?

I saw @kuwlness is a KEK Maxi. Im sure there are more people which you have to explain the necessity of such a tax

no market/pricing reasoning. if you want to “speed something up” thats the token we use for that, GLTR

I think we must be aware, that channeling only once a week, vs. channeling daily by burning GLTR- the GLTR options earns more, or is “taxed” less vs current income, than the only once a week option.

again, GLTR is introduced for the purposes of giving people an option to speed up their channeling schedule.

that is right, and we have currently some established 8 month old equilibrium and data from economy between these two forces (in form of a price);

you have to somehow show that it is unbalanced and why to introduce a new tax, and take in account, all future GLTR sinks we have down the road? How you want to do that?

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Please let’s keep in mind this idea is NOT about GLTR.
The imbalance in question is: too much alch emissions.

GLTR is then introduced as an optional mitigator to an otherwise severe 7X cut in emissions. (weekly channeling that some want to see)

The idea is not GLTR centric, it’s about using GLTR to mitigate the impacts of cutting emissions too severely and losing community members in the process.

The model with GLTR burns adds much more complexity to the already complex system, you add one more variable to constantly overwatch for no real good reason other then feeling on how market will behave


I can easily say the same arguments about a kinship burn.

That’s why option 3 is winning. Maybe no action is best

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if we charge -4 kin per charge it is basically -40-60% efficient inflow. Check the inflows:

-4 kin per channeling will cut colours alchemica inflation in about half == there will be more black

it also leaves a reasonable place for 3-9 month of kinship to grow until the 50/50 balance in channeling/farming inflations

!there will also be an easy solution to update this number to -2 if economy will need more alchemica

this is a very good, simple and efficient solution!

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and how often can we channel burning kinship? daily as now?

Some people want to channel and not burn kinship. That’s why I introduced the concept of one free weekly channel. Being tyrants against complexity… can lead to being tyrants against our most common users, lol. The matter of channeling weekly vs. daily etc its a matter of time/4th dimension which is precisely the utlity of the GLTR token- its not unnecessary complexity- it gives people the freedom to channel on their own terms/schedule by the time-appraising ability of the GLTR token.

my position is less than 200usd of the GLTR pools if your concern is that I am making some sort of investment play here…

Will you be making this as a prop? I was just looking for discussion and will not host any props myself

edit/PS: there are many people who own just one, high kinship gotchi. these kind of users, daily renters, scholars, there’s a wide group of people that need at least one weekly channel that doesn’t cost kinship, or they will most likely leave the platform.

yes, otherwise nothing changes

we can also introduce a 7 charges buffer (max channeling charges ==7, +1 charge per day) , it will be even more fun because you can make it rain alchemica, and from economical prospective there is only 7 days worth liquidity inflation risk which I think is fine to take …

I can do it if I receive enough support and we will coordinate on a AGIP that have a chance to pass. I don’t want to have a same negative experience twice

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