Setting Limits on Rentals

My goal with this topic was to answer some questions I had, and to find a good way to word a sigprop. I admittedly got distracted in trying to bring a QoL change for guilds to the table. It seemed to me that anyone could make a private WL that would make the open rental market (as well as any inherent limits) obsolete, after reading this comment. In this case, why not push this new feature into private whitelists? Limiting borrowers to one gotchi has already been asked for by guild leaders.

It is probably best to treat this as a separate issue, though. For the sake of this sigprop, we should only be considering the open rental market.

We should also only propose the limit which has already been tested. The only vote should be: for or against permanently installing a change to the open rental market wherein borrowers may only borrow one gotchi at a time.

Should borrowers in the open rental market be limited to borrowing only one gotchi at a time?

  • YES
  • NO

0 voters

Additional possible changes like “Using a cooldown to limit borrowing to 1 gotchi per 30 seconds.” “Generating the whitelist from an automated list of owners of gotchis and/or parcels.” and “Allowing only 1+n gotchis to be borrowed by an individual wallet at a time, where “n” is the number of parcels owned by a wallet.” shouldn’t be dismissed entirely, but this sigprop needs to be more focused.

Further, these options are somewhat inappropriate given that Pixel Craft was not experimenting with them in the first place. Perhaps it would be better to ask for these options to be tested or implemented from the Aavegotchi feature requests site, rather than in this proposal.