1 Aavegotchi = 100 GHST vote

wow that’s a lot of math! my head is hurting trying to suss it all out, but i definitely support the notion to revamp the voting system!

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Yeah, sorry about that. I was afraid all of the calculations would be a turn-off. Maybe there’s a way to simplify proportionally combining the values of the different Aavegotchi assets.

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Quadratic voting and a logarithmic curve and any other attempts to change the ratio “1 ghst = 1 vote” will lead to the fact that players will begin to manipulate the number of accounts. For example, a whale will be able to distribute 100k ghst to 100 accounts and have more votes. Am I wrong?

I generally agree with the direction of this proposal, but think any final voting boost should be pegged to kinship as this is an objective measure of being “active”. There could even be a floor. For example, 1 gotchi = 100 GHST voting power x Kinship 70 = 70 GHST voter power. Anything below 70 is ineligible for additional voting power.

Without an established kinship floor and not knowing what the future will bring, it may be easy to buy votes or otherwise obtain voting boost when you have not otherwise been recently active in community. A floor would encourage use for legacy gotchi OGs and for new gothcians like myself (is that what we call ourselves?).

There are ways to mitigate vote harvesting as well as other governance voting issues like proposal signaling. I’ve tried to compile some ideas in DAO Unified Voting Issues. It might seem TL;DR but complex issues are hard to address in sound bites. There are always tradeoffs between vote privacy, voter anonymity and proportional voting power. Lots of opportunities for blockchain solutions in this space.

I’m a bit leery of having an “active” floor threshold for unified voting. There are Aavegotchi supporters who aren’t gamers or NFTers and who prefer to be passive but hold millions of GHST tokens. If they dumped their GHST it would take down everyone’s Gotchi values. They should have equitable votings rights in a unified approach.

If we had a dual class voting model, on the other hand, where only Gotchi token holders voted on gameplay decisions then an active floor threshold based on Kinship or experience could make sense, imho.


I like the thought of this, but I think it would fundamentally change the way the snapshot voting technology would need to work. Right now it’s simply based on the number of currency you have in your wallet either directly or in LPs/staked. In addition, where would we draw the line with the logic used to give Gotchis votes when every item in the baazaar costs GHST as well. If you buy a wearable should that entitle you to voting rights as well? I think all GHST spent must be treated equal, if you spend the GHST to get an item in return, including a Gotchi, you can’t double count and get an item that is only your own, plus the same voting rights as someone who still holds the GHST in their wallet.

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Iyes. Good. I feel good brother. Thankyou

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