These are excellent ideas! Both to provide instant liquidity on launch and incentive to hold parcels.
Is there a simpler mechanism we can implement though? How about if we were to do a “head start airdrop” at launch for every owner of a parcel from one of the auctions.
E.g If you hold one of the pre-launch parcels you would get the following airdrops at launch:
- Auction 1 Parcel Owners = 15% pre-mine airdrop
- Auction 2 Parcel Owners = 10% pre-mine airdrop
- Auction 3 Parcel Owners = 5% pre-mine airdrop
Advantages of doing an airdrop:
- Far easier to implement for dev’s as no need for ongoing drip mechanic,
- Gives the DAO time to determine the precise airdrop % to give owners at launch,
- Gives Dev’s time to finalise the VRF distribution parameters on parcels
- Allows the DAO time to review upcoming GB chapters on alchemica distribution in parcels,
- Some free advertising as everyone in crypto is on the ‘Airdrop’ hype train
- Parcels earn exclusivity depending on what auction they’re from e.g. A1, A2, A3 (at least until Reaalm launch) to get some sweet sweet bazaar speculation.
- Requirement for UI update that distinguishes what auction a parcel was part of. Perhaps a community register could be developed showing this data?