Alchemica economic plan

I say, no adjustments to channeling or farming. If we are to invest anything into the project it should be to invest time into building sinks not break down what has already been built. Many of us have invested significantly into the ecosystem based on what has already been set forth. We have already made significant changes that have had an impact on our players yields. If we continue to switch it up completely now it is only going to turn players/investors away from the project. If you think prices are sinking now, imagine what will happen when our big players (or many small players even) just dump everything and walk away from the project?? Then we have an even bigger problem of building our player base back up. Devs have invested lots of resources into marketing and growing the verse over recent months just to turn more things off… what a waste.

I can see the concern but this is a long term project and we are in a bear market. If anything, we should be excited by low alch prices so that more people are incentivized to invest into farming for cheaper.

It seems to me that the only people who would be upset by alch prices being low are the ones that are selling alchemica back to the market. Why would we not want to incentivize that by hurting the players who are engaged in the game?


A better alternative, share your thoughts frens!

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Yes, this adds more competitiveness to kinship. Good form ser.

I understand the reasoning for the alternative proposition, but I like this one better for two reasons.

  1. We can act on frequency instead of rates. The time and gas ratio not included in the numbers will make it feel even worst.
  2. We can program a way back to normal by using the multipliers so it is in line with the farming inflation and we know how much to update it when and if it has the intended effect

Hi all, do not know which thread will be the “main one” so I guess I will post this on both. After looking at what has been presented and what it is that is trying to be accomplished, I have an alternate proposal. I agree that the main issue is how many tokens are issued daily is more of a concern than the amount of the tax that is put on them. Changing only the amount that is taxed (spillover %) should IMO not be the “go to” move after asset owners have been excruciating their build out plans for so long especially considering the changes that were made when the new recipes were introduced. I like some others have suggested would rather see the issuance of tokens be address. The data that has been used suggests that higher lvl altars are having a higher level of usage than the lower level ones which should be the case since they are not “taxed” as heavily. I propose that we reduce the issuance of tokens for all altar levels.
Level 9 every 1 hrs … Level 9 every 1.5 hrs
Level 8 every 2 hrs … Level 8 every 3 hrs
Level 7 every 4 hrs … Level 7 every 5 hrs
Level 6 every 6 hrs … Level 6 every 7 hrs
Level 5 every 8 hrs … Level 5 every 9 hrs
Level 4 every 10 hrs … Level 4 every 12 hrs
Level 3 every 12 hrs … Level 3 every 14 hrs
Level 2 every 18 hrs … Level 2 every 20 hrs
Level 1 every 24 hrs … Level 1 every 28 hrs

IMO by making a change to every altar level is better than a heavy “tax” on the majority of parcel owners. Also this would in a way force gotchi channeling on lower level altars since they are being done by highest altar level down to the lowest ones further decreasing the total number of tokens that are claimed daily.

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Need to just push the L1 past a day. If you don’t do that, you are only hurting the top of the scale.
Level 9 every 1 hrs … Level 9 every 1.5 hrs
Level 8 every 2 hrs … Level 8 every 3 hrs
Level 7 every 4 hrs … Level 7 every 5 hrs
Level 6 every 6 hrs … Level 6 every 8 hrs
Level 5 every 8 hrs … Level 5 every 12 hrs
Level 4 every 10 hrs … Level 4 every 15 hrs
Level 3 every 12 hrs … Level 3 every 18 hrs
Level 2 every 18 hrs … Level 2 every 24 hrs
Level 1 every 24 hrs … Level 1 every 36 hrs

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Good catch on the lvl 1 it was suppose to be every 28 hrs :+1: I was only suggesting a slight change for all the altars so there would be a lower issuance of tokens…Oh i see what you did there by further tweaking the numbers :wink: