Alchemica economic plan

gas prices will deter alchemica emission. The lower kinship gotchis wont be profitable to channel, therefore reducing alchemica emissions. As alchemica prices fall, the higher kinship gotchis won’t be profitable therefore reducing alchemical emissions. Seems it will work itself out.

I agree the real answer is more alchemica sinks.

Adding any slow down in emission will just slow down the enviable, not profitable to channel. End result is users buying alchemica to craft or upgrade farming. Which will put upward price pressure on alchemica. Seems it will work itself out.

We need more game play and more alchemical sinks.


I’m in favor of reducing channelling to every 72h or every week and I’ve good reasons:

  • needs to sell less aalchemicas to maintain the $MATIC balance
  • would reduce inflation by a major factor allowing to have normal spillovers around the game, thus increasing renting activities
  • that will incentivize the building of farming equipments to keep earning a decent amount of aalchemicas per week

Spillover is an important mechanic for the dynamic of the gotchiverse, if we reduce channelling to once a week and enable spillover back, the gotchiverse will soon be full as it was at its beginnings.
Anyone who will to avoid “nerfing” the channelling for attractivity reasons on the gotchi prices misses the point that the gotchiverse should live, let’s continue making the gotchiverse more attractive.

Initial supply of aalchemicas are already here so time for some stability on the tokenomy please frens.

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The thing that annoys me the most with Gotchiverse is the constant movement of the goal posts .
Having seriously invested in the game I have placed my funds strategically based on the mechanics of the game …
For example purchasing high kinship gotchies for best channeling results …the higher kinship the more you pay …
Now moves are a foot to reduce the value of my assets .
It is not just Alchemica that has lost value every asset in the game has lost value other than Gotchi’s .
I have levelled up my spacious parcels so the high kinship gotchi’s can channel as well as gain farming rewards .
The total amount of GHST to acheive the optimal result is substantial I would rather leave the channelling rewards alone and find sinks for the alchemica .
I think most players are selling their rewards onto the market with the intention of buying back in at a later stage whilst they contribute to the deflationary spiral .
I have made the commitment to re-invest into the game by building out parcels buying Gotchis, I question wether those that are proposing this move have done the same or are extracting value out of the game whilst at the same time trying to reshape the model .
When changes are suggested a bit more consideration should be given to the wider implications .


When Pixelcraft delays or fumbles something, asset owners pay the price -Pixelcraft doesn’t.
They fuel the flames of division between the 2 or more parties that get to be nerfed as consequence of the issues. The whole thing has become normalized.

I am highly annoyed and tired of this as well.

Why don’t we try to revitalize the overall kinship mechanic, while also incentivizing activity in the gotchiverse?

Outright cutting kinship rewards may have a greater impact on the motivation of gotchigang and potential newcomers to invest into the ecosystem, intorducing yet another nerf.

It may be beneficial to alter how kinship works and tie it to activity in the gotchiverse instead of synchronized autopetters across gotchigang and no real movement on the kinship leaderboard (and I am saying that sitting comfy there).

Your gotchi gains frenliness and achieves full potential of its channeling capabilities, if its owner is active in the verse and crafts, builds, farms, upgrades and spends gltr. You only have a lvl 1 aaltar and that’s it? Your gotchi is not feeling very frenly today and channeling will not be as productive, it’s just not the same without frens.
I don’t know if that’s viable, but it would incentivize spending and activity in the verse, with 100% channeling capability being the reward for staying active.


You can check out the following thread if you like about kinship:

CryptoGotchi have answers / summaries for various different attempts on that

So you don’t even know the fundamental value concept of the game. The core value of this game is the value of gotchis. If you sacrifice gotchis to protect the price of gotchi derivatives you are doing it wrong. These derivatives include: Land Wearable Decorations Floor Tiles. The price of gotchis derivatives will only increase if the price of gotchis increases. It is not possible if the price of the derivative goes up on its own without the gotchis.
So what you should consider is how to increase the floor price of gotchis. Instead of issuing so many nfts derivatives. If your gotchis keep falling in price, all the derivative consumption of your gotchis is nothing.

Please stop your meaningless mental infighting. There is only one way to go, and that is to protect the floor price of gotchis. Otherwise, all the derivatives you are doing now are meaningless. Do not protect any derivatives than gotchis. Adding liquidity to alchemy? fucking not!

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Reduce gotchis income? fucking not.
If your gotchis don’t go up . Land income has risen. That is you value the land more than the gotchis. leaving the gotchis land is nothing.
So the crux of the matter is to protect the gotchis. Everything revolves around gotchis. Before the demand for gotchis grows. Don’t create and maintain the value of derivatives.
As long as gotchis rise steadily, all those derivatives only make sense.

Hello frens,

I propose the following that might bring whole new life into the economics, if PC does not deliver in ~6m something playable and fun:

  1. RF farming, 1.5M GHST for Jan-Feb 2023.

  2. Slice in half the channelling amounts (stay with me, don’t shiver)

  3. A gotchi can channel twice a day (a different parcel) making Number of Gotchies ~= Number of Parcels that can be channelled / 1.5 (way better ratio)

  4. Kinship is incremented only on channelling (2x a day)

With these changes, kinship is less prone to be botted and strictly related to the activity from the gotchiverse, parcels upgrades are required in order to get the same rewards as before the halvening of kinship rewards (big sink for alchemica). It is similar to what @Immaterial proposes, but has a different implementation. The biggest pro of this change is the fact that gotchies have to be present on two parcels a day, giving the gotchiverse more activity while massively improving the number of active parcels / upgrades.

Although, at this point, I would rather leave the economy as is, farming rewards wil get a hit on daily basis and we get to almost parity with gas prices. When that happens, upgrades should be cheap enough to have another cycle of farming upgrades. Changing things at this moment will definitely mess up calculations made by almost all the people that started farming a few months ago.

The ball at this moment is in PixelCraft’s court, as the DAO can only fix so much (anybody there listening?). I think, you, PixelCraft, had as many detours as possible from the actual development of a playable fun game. PixelCraft going forward with fake experiments, in my opinion, will just trigger more and more discussions like these.

I suggest going forward with only carrots and not sticks: RF schedule should be announced as soon as possible, even if it is going to be in Feb-March 2023 (we have more than enough $$ sitting in the DAO wallets for a decent RF), alchemica competitions sponsored by the DAO, move kinship increases to gotchiverse actions (I am a big fan of one per day kinship point when channelling, or two if the above suggestion gets traction), Halloween / Mosaics competitions.



We tried that with CryptoGotchi in another thread about kinship
if you want to check it out, heres the link:

As much as I detest nerfing, I’ve wanted to keep an open mind and consider the stronger reasons for why this is being proposed.

Please see the attached table, current with live prices for all inputs. What I’m seeing is that you can technically still extract profitably at 25 kinship on a L1 altar- this maybe shouldn’t be the case.

You can also see that by 500 kinship and level 3 altar you have already reached the bulk of what you can get from channeling, as the improvement thereon is of greatly diminishing returns.

What if instead of nerfing everybody with the same bat, we adjust our numbers so that you need about 500 kinship and a level 4-5 altar before you can see substantial numbers from channeling? This would leave room to not nerf (and perhaps even boost) the loyal users that have high kinship and high level altars.

Something else happens if you follow this route- as the pure extractors begin petting more diligently and upgrading from level 1 altars, the sunk costs and time investment will motivate them to continue upgrading the altar- and once they have a high level altar, they are incentivized to place harvesters (the desired outcome, if I understand this proposal).

Overall, adjusting the numbers to encourage altar upgrades makes a lot more sense than nerfing/axing channeling altogether.


If the target is lvl 4-5 aaltar. There is no need to upgrade or even purchase a humble.

You can deposit your gotchi into gotchi vault. Lend the gotchi to yourself and channel on a lvl 6 aaltar. You lose 15% but it is basically same result as using your own lvl 4 aaltar minus a few cents.

Theres plenty of open Level 6 aaltar depending on time of day in gotchivault

Of course, if everyone start doing it then its another story

The aadept’s guide from farming release says the optimum level for humble is 4-5? Am I missing something there? Do we have any serious humble parcel farming at levels 1-3?

I think you misread my response. Gotchi vault rental comes with 4000+ parcel of various level.

I am saying I don’t need a humble to begin with to channel the said gotchi to produce the same alch

ok, addressing your entire point including the vault speculation, my response is that the free market should adjust to this reality. I am not sure the vault can suddenly cover all the gotchis that currently extract from level 1s (have you seen the swathes of level 1 altar parcels out there in all districts?).

These level 6 altars would be used more= more profitable, and more people would upgrade to level 6 to cover the demand. isnt more spending on upgrades what we want?

I am not sure there is a correlation between number of level 1 aaltar out there and the number of people actually using them as lvl 1 aaltar are free to place.

Big brain from you as usual. Nice thoughts.

We are definetelly missing timeline for alchemica sinks….mostly because we dont know how sinks will look like :smile:

I think a lot of people are missing fact that land sales are the future of protocol income. If alchemica drop beneath gas price, i think land sales will not be possible at all.

How long can PC function without new income (no asset sales)?

Heres my parcel level 1 usage report for reference


yeah we’d need hard data to be able to take the conclusions further.
I hoped the advantage to adjusting level 1-3 altars ( a clear extraction route) vs. nerfing gotchis, the cornerstone product, would be easier to see.

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yeah we kind of flying blind here XD

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