I’m still working on what this looks like, but throwing it out there for some feedback/ideas. I picture this as being a deliverable from Pixelcraft for the DAO, and the DAO can have some of their own metrics (so a bit of a collaboration).
The DAO is responsible for making some pretty significant decisions. One of the decisions that we are currently reviewing is a Haaunt 2 and how many portals for the next haaunt. Some users have brought up an important point that we don’t know what the demand is. This leads to the DAO making “gut feel” decisions and not data based decisions.
Pixelcraft is growing and will be expanding marketing operations. I think it is important that at least some of the marketing data is shared with the DAO so we can be more informed voters. There are some things that could be easy to track (like twitter/discord/other social platform follower growth), unique visitors to the aavegotchi website, google searches, and probably a few more. We could also track baazaar activity (number of users buying/selling). Then there are other metrics that we would likely need directly from Pixelcraft, such as lead generation and conversion rates. Basically, I would suggest that some or all of Pixelcraft’s marketing KPIs (key performance indicators) should be shared with the DAO. This could significantly help all of us answer the question “how do we know when we are ready for the next Haaunt?”
@UnfitStone I think this is a great idea. Much similar to the shareholder transparency you see on earnings calls where business-related KPI’s are shared. I could see these metrics also being a great topic for conversation on our community calls.
I like this idea as well. Quick question: is it possible to have quarterly earnings calls like @Hefe mentioned? I like the idea of organizing the DAO like a publicly traded company, potentially with a rudimentary balance sheet as we start to take on re-occurring expenses and revenues in the future.
I like the idea of a call. That would be easier to get started. Also, we just have to be cognizant of the fact that this is asking for Pixelcraft’s time. These calls wouldn’t be free for them to organize and to put together the material for. Although, I do see it as useful to push for these metrics to be developed and improved.
That being said, just want to make sure that we would do something like that at an acceptable frequency for both parties. Monthly? Quarterly? Other?
I think this is a fantastic idea, especially given all the conversations going on in the DAO / Discord as of late, as you you mentioned. Would LOVE to see a dashboard page on the main Aavegotchi page with historical stats (total # of server members, followers, etc. and % change over the past week, month, year) in a nicely formatted dashboard, kinda like stock market heatmaps, but gotchified.
Absolutely agree, we need metrics shown, but we can’t have ghst.gg and aavegotchistats.com be integrated somehow to become official part of aavegotchi also?
I think they definitely deemed worthy.
A liil off-top as i love to do, kek 🤌
I have a music video promo idea for aavegotchi, but have no skills, or it’s rly poor lvl of mine.
I thought this was a general thread about discussing marketing and having a forum all about marketing.
It seems like no one discussed that beyond plushies, trezors, toys.
Really nice idea. I’d love a panel that tracks some of these metrics we could look at. I enjoy going into Quickswap and following the volume and liquidity. Something similar for what you’ve mentioned would be great.
Also some data aggregators for the marketplace would be great. How much volume, how many new wallets involved, etc. All of this would be tremendously helpful so we’re not just throwing darts when making scaling decisions.
Thanks for the replies everyone! I’m going to reach out to pixelcraft (i.e. coderdan or gldnXross) and see what they think is feasible in the short-ish term (basically before realm sales… ideally this idea can grow and develop as the pixelcraft team grows and develops).
I like the idea of a simple quarterly call and it could be kept short. I think it is important that we at least get the ball rolling with being informed about some of this information. I think transparency with these type of growth metrics are going to be required for the DAO to operate effectively.
I agree on these. Maybe we can get aavegotchistats or ghst.gg to setup a summary page on things like number of active wallets each week, and/or number of bazaar transactions and sales volume.
I’m generally in agreement with everything said, but currently building out aanalytics tools is not the dev team’s priority, and it’s not like Quickswap where we can just fork Uniswap’s analytics page and call it a day.
There’s a lot of promising dashboards out there, but maybe could be more if the DAO wanted to fund some bounties for creating more.
The DAO has a huge treasury in both GHST and DAI, let’s put it to work!
Nice! I didn’t even think about that. Yeah, my main concern was that Pixelcraft doesn’t have the resources for this yet (understandable). While we need the info to make good decisions, pixelcraft is still building the critical compenents. A bounty would be a great way to kickstart a dashboard, and since ghst.gg and aavegotchistats are partway there, we could have a race