The DTF did discuss separating this into two thread at some length and there were good arguments for both. Ultimately, we created one to keep the information in the same location. Depending on what is decided here, we can create a separate forum for discussing the details of Addison’s case. The request from community members to remove Addison from the DTF was the catalyst for this posting so we included in the title. As Mori said, we’re just the messengers here trying to engage the community of how to structure this moving forward. The DTF, the DAO, and other DAO task forces would have eventually had to address how this is handled at some point. The alleged actions of Addison and the numerous request from the Aavegotchi community are ultimately what forced us needing to figure it out sooner in the development of the DAO than we would have planned for.
IMO this thread is not about debating Addison’s actions, anyone can view the discussion and post on Discord if they’re interested and decide for themselves. What we’d really like to accomplish is getting some ideas for various procedures the DTF should follow(and other Task Forces) when request from the Community are made to remove a member that the Community initially approved. Once we have a framework, we can follow that to use in the case of Addison and future cases. Keep in mind that what we are looking for is separate from the Task Force voting that we’ll have every 6 months. That is obviously a good opportunity for the community to voice their opinion on who they want to represent them, but is not expeditious enough to respond to something that may require immediate removal of a Community elected Task force member.
A few areas that we could really use some input and I’ll try to give my initial thoughts as well:
When should a vote to remove a Task Force member occur and what would trigger this?
I think it makes sense there are two mechanisms that would prompt a vote -
a) the DTF itself could initiate a vote with a majority DTF decision(many discussions happen
in private DTF chats) and incidents could occur within the DTF that would warrant the DTF
needing to take action. A majority DTF vote would move the vote to SigProp for final vote.
b) The Community initiates the vote. This could happen with a Post in the Forum and a vote
taking place within the Forum using the Polling option. If the poll receives at least 20 YES
votes with a positive YES difference we’d move to a SigProp.
What should the quorum on the SigProp be?
It’s not reasonable to expect a quorum like what we see with our normal game mechanic props that often go to CoreProp. For starters, these wouldn’t go to CoreProps and there will be no incentive for voting on them like XP. Also, these are fairly unpleasant events that revolve around some drama that most people just don’t want to get involved in. A simple majority vote with no Quorum requirement may be the best initial approach for the SigProp.
If the DAO or task force member is voted out, how should their replacement be handled?
Perhaps the questions here is does the Task force operate down a person and replace at the next scheduled vote, or immediately follow up with a Forum post collecting volunteer candidates and then after a few days post the SigProp for voting on the single replacement? The 6month vote would remain on normal scheduled vote and the incoming single replacement would still be subject to the 6 month voting process.
How should the SigProp be worded?
I think the SigProp itself should be as simple as possible with no bias. It should link to a specific DAO forum on the topic where concerns can be aired and reference the alleged incident with a url, date, channel, members, and times(if incident occured within a chat forum for the community to view for themselves).
I also think its important to remember we can always pivot and try different approaches if something isn’t working so well. This process will definitely evolve and hopefully improve over time, but for now we just need to agree on a decent initial starting approach for events like this so we can start learning.