How should funding proposals be handled?

I think we can all agree it’s best to just give the private keys to me! I’m your best fren after all. :ghost: :slight_smile:
I wouldn’t do anything crazy with the treasury i swear!
Just kidding but here’s my real thoughts.

We should have a smaller group representing certain people

2 seats for pixelcraft coderdan and Jesse
2 seats representing the poor and the masses
2 seats representing the whalelords
2 seats for people who are really active in the community like moon.
2 people from the dao that have the most reasonable ideas. (not the dreamers who say yes on every idea)
2 seats for a paid 3rd party who have no holdings in aavegotchi own any gotchis but atleast kinda know what is fair or not.???

Maybe all seats could even have a monthly veto that counts as 3 votes instead of 1.

The small group would churn out the main proposals for normal people to vote on the snapshot.
I feel like if we tried to do this on the dao with everyone doing proposals nothing would actually even go through.
That said I hope the group representing listens to the things said on here.
I feel like the problem now is that no one here has any real authority at all.
A smaller more authorized and trusted group could make this happen.

Either that or just actively look through the dao for good ideas and put them up for core vote.
since community votes are so common they hold no value anymore.

all this being said I’ll shamelessly paste a link to my own treasury proposal