This proposal is for a new Alchemica Spending Competition via Channelling
We need a way to have competition that is self funded instead of relying on Alchemica “buy back” using GHST from player reward pool or other treasury sources
Solution / Competition Detail
subjects to adjustment based on discussion
wallet based
ranked, same prize distribution ratio as alchemica competiton (Top 50, poker)
point reward: for each alch sent to spillover via channeling a gotchi on L1 (100% spillover)
point system: same point ratio as alch comp for each alch type
prize pool: 69% of all alch generated to spillover (100%)
competition period: 1 week
non competition period: weekly hangout hours(2)
Concern about Rentals
What one does with rentals has always been up to the borrower.
GHST upfront was suppose to be a “safe guard” against idle borrowers but has been reduced to 0.1 upfront lately.
Owner should hire trusted scholar if this is an issue
Prize Pool
Base on assumption:
L9 = 80% (20% spillover) * 80% (20% cut) +5% (to make it 69)
Current Scholar Rate is about 25%
69/80 = 14%