Land Auction/Raffle #3 Proposal:
Hold the auction and raffle within the first two weeks of June (exact dates per Pixelcraft)
8000 Parcels in total from predominantly districts 1, 6, 13, 23, 24, 25, 26. Parcels from previously auctioned/raffled districts may be included in the Auction per Pixelcraft discretion.
70% (5600) of parcels in the auction, 30% (2400) in the raffle
Auction only to be held once 3M GHST from DAO is deposited in Aave OR amGHST for FRENS contract is deployed. This will maximize the available liquidity for the auction and best support floor prices.
Proposed Revenue Distribution:
-40% of revenue to the Rarity Farming Rewards Pool
-40% to Pixelcraft
-20% to the Aavegotchi DAO
-0% Burn edited after feedback to eliminate the burn
This proposal is synthesized from community feedback over the last week. The main concerns were NFT dilution, an auction/raffle feeling too rushed, inadequate available GHST liquidity, concern for the funding of Rarity Farming Season 4, and lack of clarity for which parcels were included. A June Auction will allow >2 weeks of full installation gameplay and will allow sufficient time for marketing and business development efforts to capture maximum investment. There is an adequate Gotchiverse Rewards Pool after the first two land auctions, and this sale will help fund RFS4 and perhaps even some of Season 5. This proposal has been discussed with the Pixelcraft team who support it and feel the target date is feasible.