Season 3 for Q1 2022

My smol brain recalls three controversies from the 1st RF event that linger in different forms today that are being discussed here.
1.) 500 XP drop early gotchi supporters received. The issue IMO is XP has never been given out so generously again - there remains a gap between people who received the 500XP and the rest of the gotchis. Angel investors vs early adopters. We saw the leaderboard of SZN2 full of Angel investors who sacrificed Haunt 1 gotchis to win Haunt 2 rewards. I do not see how SZN 3 would be different currently.
2.) Hidden ‘Pet All’ button that many users were not aware of. Issue has evolved on what to do with petting services ties Coders vs noobs.
3.) Potions were OP. As a noob i was excited to see 7 of my gotchis in the top 100 without knowing about the hidden pet all button but by the time the 1st snapshot was taken, the majority of SZN1 RF top 100 kinship were potion drinkers. I still do not want to see more potions added. Whales vs minnows.
Hoping a refresher about SZN1 will help the galaxy brains here see the best solutions.