I think this has to be strongly considered. Whether or not we pause spillover, make spillover a weekly event, go with whitelist only/catridges, we need to start turning this into a fun, competitive game. We need to make this a game where the players who come in have at least a secondary motivation in playing because they find the game itself fun.
Right now, the only reason to play this game for the vast majority of scholars and bots is to pick up free money and to cash it out. I don’t see how the implementation of Harvesters changes this basic nature of the gotchiverse P2E dynamics. In fact, it would only increase the absolute amount of total spillover and also bubble-ups are coming too. The selling won’t stop.
Turning on PVP throughout the gotchiverse and charging alchemical to shoot hearts (ex: 1 fud per shot, .1 kek per shot) should be the focus. The devs already have the basic structure for this in place. Injecting the dynamic element of competitive gameplay, strategy, and possibly tactical teamwork would just really invigorate the gotchiverse. Most importantly, it creates the possibility generating a larger player pool that may actually be ok with playing this game without necessarily profiting off of it in order to continue playing. We need to build a player base that thinks this game is fun and not just people who want to play to earn a few bucks. By turning PVP on, we are:
Creating another alchemical sink by charging for hearts. 1 fud=1 shot. 1 kek=10 shots (or insta-kill shot). I can think of additional alchemical sinks for PVP gameplay should this take-off. Ex: In game potions you can spend alchemica on if you find yourself close to death and far from a vortex.
Creating a game that people will play with the expectation of making a profit but may still continue playing EVEN IF THEY DON’T. Think of people who play poker at casinos for leisure and gambling. Or bad players who keep playing despite not being good at it. exploit our degen characters! To me this is by far the most important reason to implement PVP now.
Probably make it more difficult for botters.
Encourage team play. I suspect even this rudimentary gameplay of shooting hearts would benefit from collaborative tactical strategies implemented by teams. This would cater to guilds with strong communities and good managers.
Perhaps counter-intuitively, PVP combat would help with the social aspects of this game. The almost never used chat option may actually be popping. It gives something for players to talk about while in-game.
Related to point 2, it may encourage those of us who are invested to play more in the gotchiverse rather than channeling our lands. I honestly sometimes pick up alchemical for a few minutes after I channel one of my parcels but lately I don’t even bother…I initially did it because i wanted to feel more immersed in the gotchiverse but it’s completely boring to me. If we turned on PVP, i would easily play 20-30 minutes a night before i go to bed. And I would play it not to earn money but simply because i like the idea of going bot hunting or just wreaking havoc and chaos against others. I would actually happily spend alchemical to play with ZERO expectation of making profit off my gameplay. Yup, i would rather spend alchemical to play this version of the gotchiverse than earn alchemical by wandering the land picking up gems. I suspect there may be others like me and thats what we need…Players who want to play not just to earn but because they actually think it’s fun and want to be in the gotchiverse. Let’s give people reasons to stay in the gotchiverse other than to play enemy-less pacman for hours where they pick up pennies. If we do, we are building a foundation for a truly successful game and creating an environment where people will want to stay even if the hourly rate isn’t particularly enticing. It will be a gotchiverse full of mayhem, competition, guild play, and bot killing, heart shooting players. That sounds like a fun place.