Hello frens,
I hope this post finds you all well. There certainly have been a lot of great suggestions in the Make Season 2 great for new players thread. But they all have some drawbacks (including the ones made by me) and make some of the people feel like they are getting the short end of the stick.
Here I’d like to propose a framework to unify those suggestions in a way that makes everyone happy (enough) to reach quorum. Since this thread is less about which type of leaderboard and more about the framework in which we put those leaderboards (that could satisfy everyone’s interest) I made a new thread. I hope this is Ok. I don’t mean to offend by doing this.
Judging from the screams of my neighbor, I can tell that it is soccer season. Sports in general have been around forever and I thought that we could get some inspiration from sports tournaments. There is the world championship, which is the main event. But there are also smaller leagues. The European championship, the championship of a local country, all the way down to little league where your 8 year old might compete. There is a reason you don’t let your kids compete against professional athletes that are 20 years older. And because of that, even your kids sometimes manage to bring home a trophy, just like the big players.
I’d like to propose that some time after our main season, we’re gonna have one or more side seasons. The main season is gonna have 3 leaderboards like before (whichever those will be) and the side seasons will have up to three leaderboards. Leaderboards for the side seasons don’t always need to be the same. We could use this to try out different ideas, so every good idea gets a chance. And if there is overwhelming support for it, that particular side-season leaderboard-format could make a come back at a later side season. But if it turns out not to have been the best idea, we can just scrap it.
Why having different seasons? As I said before, it is very similar to what sports do. They all have different leagues. Also, when there is little going on in Aavegotchi - because the devs are busy working hard on the realm - side seasons will help keep the attention and keep the project relevant, so that the DAU count doesn’t drop too much and we have a continuous on-boarding of new people. I personally feel that the alternative: An(y) attempt at a one-fits-all solution within one single season that’ll make everyone feel like they are getting a fair chance, will simply be too complicated to find acceptance.
So what should become main and side season? THAT is actually best discussed in the Make Season 2 great for new players thread. There are a lot of great ideas already. You are free and welcome to make suggestions here, but I don’t want to highjack the other threads purpose. Here I’d mainly like to focus on what you guys think about this framework of having a main season and then - to appease interests that could not be covered by the main season (and for the reasons mentioned above) - we have side seasons.
Personally, I’d love to see two leaderboards, that don’t seem to have the most support for the main season, but could be really great for side seasons. One would be a leaderboard that simply cannot be bought in any way shape or form. One that is based on the interactions you had with your Gotchi. One example would be the Dependability score that you can find on aavegotchi.pet. It now takes the max between your Gotchi’s all-time Dependability and the (newest) owner-specific Dependability. So I believe it is as fair as it can be for everyone involved, even new players or people who buy neglected Gotchis from the Baazaar.
Another side season I’d like to see (which we could bring back regularly) would be little league. In little league, only the Gotchis of the latest Haunt would be allowed to compete (with new wearables only). And I understand that many people are against exclusion. But please keep in mind that as a side season, it would only feature very small, yet to be determined amount of funds (e.g. 5%). Can you really object to having the kids battle it out for themselves with 5% of the funds? If so…would you object to 2% as well? Or even just baadges?
But as I said. I don’t wanna make this thread about the different leaderboards we could use. Instead, I’d like to know what you think about the framework. Having a main season, where the big money is, and side seasons to show appreciation for other / smaller / newer accomplishments that would also be great for filling gaps while not much else is going on.