Weekly alchemica leaderboards

Ok, been playing around with leaderboards and payouts. I’m kind of leaning towards scrapping all the different categories and just having a single leaderboard based on total alchemica spent by address. This means it’s more a game for guilds to work together than individuals and it can take into account all craftables, installations and upgrades.

By combining the prize pools we could structure it like RF so 4 rounds of 2 weeks. Total prizepool is 80k GHST split into 4 rounds of 20k GHST. Payout structure could be the top 20 addresses paid each round with the following distribution:

For context, top place per round is roughly the same as getting #4 in the BRS leaderboards so it’s a serious prize pool and should generate a lot of interest. Also, as it’s per address now, basically everyone in a guild can get involved and contribute to their guilds address on the leaderboard.

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You’ll need to require everything to be installed, though, or you’re going to see some behavior where a guild has one person do all of the crafting for everyone. You can’t just count what an address has used in a month… it will most certainly be shenanigans and drama.

It would be easier to total up everything on a parcel… with rugs and nft displays, there is an insane amount of alch one could layer into one spacious.

Doing it by address means “shenanigans” are inevitable, hence its more tailored towards to guilds and encourages teamwork. Doing it by parcel is tailored toward individuals but means you can only take into account upgrades and caps the money/prizes as after a optimal level 9 farm is built then there no more alch that can be profitably spent.

The reason im leaning more towards doing it by address now is that more people can be involved, via delgation, and everything can be consolidated into a single leaderboard which results in higher prize pools. Hopefully solves the latter part of Dans complaint - "too big (cost) and too small (prizes).

If you compare to the cost of RF (1.5M vs 80k) I think the effectiveness of this, in terms of stimulating the economy, is very attractive.