A GHST story…The Spirit Force Resurrectoors

A GHST story…The Spirit Force Resurrectoors

According to the Aavegotchi Wiki: Every Aavegotchi is powered by Spirit Force. Upon opening a portal, the summoner (you!) has to imbue your Gotchi with Spirit Force to summon your new-found friend to life! So what exactly is Spirit Force? Spirit Force are interest-bearing tokens embedded within your Aavegotchi! This makes your Aavegotchi increasingly valuable over time!

We all know how an Aavegotchi is born, but what about death and afterlife? In Rarity Farming Competitions Aavegotchis are being eaten alive by the dozens ending up in the stomachs of stronger Gotchis willing to do anything to achieve the #1 spot in the XP points leaderboard. it’s a massacre (yes MAANIAAC I’m talking to you). 1,387 Dead Gotchis so far. But where do Gotchis go after they are absorbed or sacrificed?

The Gotchi Graaveyard and The Resurrection Ritual:

The idea is for the community to share an interest-bearing token Gotchi: The GHST Gotchi. How is a GHST Gotchi summoned? Gotchis with the same Spirit Force have to gather at the Graaveyard and perform the Spirit Force Channeling Resurrectoor Ritual. A minimum of 5 Gotchis is needed for the ritual to work. They have to choose a dead Aavegotchi from the Graavedigger’s List (assuming such a list can be gathered) with the same SF as their Gotchis and fill up the Spirit Meter transferring SF into it. When the meter is full (we all swapped aTokens for aGHST) , the GHST Gotchi is summoned! It’s alive! It’s alive! Or undead? The amount of SF every participant transferred becomes the percentage of yield they’ll receive from the Gotchi directly to their wallets minus a percentage to the DAO/PC (if this is possible). This yield can be distributed according to the Rules of the Ritual. The aGHST inside the GHST Gotchis is locked forever (insert macabre music here).

Rules of the Ritual:

It consists of 4 parts. The addys and share % of each Resurrectoor, the yield distribution to wallet time and information on the GHST price relative to the Dead Gotchi’s token. Once this is decided the Contract Creator has to pay 24 hours worth of GLTR to reserve the Dead Gotchi for the Ritual.

For example. My 4 FRENS and I decided we want to resurrect an USDT Gotchi. It costs 5000 aGHST to resurrect. We decided to receive our aGHST tokens yield every month and negotiated to split it like this (minimum 5 Gotchis required):

NADIEL 20% (1000 aGHST)
XIBOT 30% (1500 aGHST)
CODERDAN 10% (500 aGHST)
BOBA 20% (1000 aGHST)

One of us enters the Gotchiverse and goes to the Graaveyard Laandmark and clicks on it. A menu appears where you can choose the previously discussed Gotchi from the Graavedigger’s List. You click on it to start the contract with the Graavedigger. Enter the addys of the participating FRENS, their share, the yield to wallet time and pay GLTR to reserve the Dead Gotchi for 24 hours (if the time is up all the addys in the contract have to wait 24 hours more to reserve the same Gotchi). Contract is deployed and Gotchi is reserved.

We later on gather around the Graaveyard and because the Graavedigger has us on his list, knows our addys and Gotchis SF, we click the Graaveyard and are asked to enter the Ritual Aarea or get delisted. We enter The Ritual Aarea, a Black Portal appears with a button that says “Resurrect me Master!” (the button becomes active only if we are all together). We all have to click on it and sign the contract that shows the terms previously agreed upon. At this moment the aUSDT transfers to the Dead Gotchi and becomes aGHST. When The Spirit Meter is full, and the last transaction is confirmed, the GHST Gotchi appears through The Black Portal, which then transforms into the portal to the Gotchiverse. Finally the GHST Gotchi travels to the Gotchiverse and starts haunting the Citaadel.


All the Dead Gotchis should have a fixed price in GHST and it should be high.

The Aafterlife:

GHST Gotchis are translucent and have no glow. They can’t channel because they’ve lost their connection with the Gods. They have no kinship or XP points. Don’t age. They are the ghost of a ghost after all. There can only be as many GHST Gotchis as dead Gotchis on the Graavedigger’s List. Besides giving aGHST yield for all eternity, GHST Gotchis roam the Gotchiverse picking up loose alchemica and sharing it between its Resurrectoors. They also confuse the Lickquidators or any NPC enemy and make them think they are real Gotchis.

If a living Gotchi crosses paths with a GHST Gotchi it gets possessed and you lose control of your Gotchi for a little while (lose health points or action points?). So beware! Don’t leave your Gotchi idle for too long or you may wake up at a different location not remembering how you got there! It’d be awesome if they could maintain the name they had when alive but backwards. I miss you HAANGOVER!!! (REVOGNAAH)


It is basically swapping aTokens for aGHST to summon the GHST Gotchi and split the yield to wallets on the list automatically every x amount of time. The alchemica split happens accordingly with the percentage and time agreed on the contract. The dead Gotchis are an excuse for scarcity (GHST Gotchis should be special, scary and shared imho), for social interaction, to put some lore into it and honor the fallen soldiers of the RF wars. GHST Gotchis are NPCs that are looking for alchemica and idle Gotchis. And I have no idea how anything works, but this is what I imagined. I just had a lot of fun writing this.

Possible Aadvantages:

  • Motivation to save money
  • Market opportunities (aTokens for aGHST at good prices)
  • Higher yield than original aToken
  • Yield directly to Wallet
  • Having an Alchemica NPC is cool
  • Possession is fun
  • Weapon against lickquidators
  • Sharing with frens or guild members

Possible Disaadvantages:

  • Money locked forever
  • Non-tansferable
  • No baazaar market price
  • Fixed resurrection price
  • No GBM, no Raaffle
  • People wants to own a GHST Gotchi

Thank you FRENS for your time and attention! XIBOT inspired me to post this! I humbly hope you enjoyed my spooky idea! Gang gang gang gang!

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