As Aavegotchi grows, we are having guilds here and there and voice calls everywhere. How can you know when is the next guild coming up or where is Nofuturistic or coderdan organising their voice calls?
Now that gotchiverse is in the horizon, we need to organise our discussions more. A central point of contact for all the topics. For example, a list of all the guilds so people could know where to join and how to contact the guildmasters. Also all the voice calls or twitter spaces that are available for anyone to join. These are not mandatory to join, entirely optional and don’t have to be updated in real time, maybe just once a week or a few days beforehand. Its good for guildmasters also as they are a place to increase exposure to the guild and recruit more new members. Maybe pin the link to the guild or create some permissions for the guildmasters to set whether they wish to allow anybody or only just let people see its profile page or guild requirements. At least we know which guilds exist!