Drop the H2 raffle closed portals at the same time with the auctioned ones

According to the medium post explaining Haunt 2 workflow Haunt 2: DATES CONFIRMED. A Massive #BidToEarn auction of 12,000… | by Aavegotchi | Aug, 2021 | Medium, 15k closed portals will be available, with 12k being auctioned and 3k being raffled.
But the raffled ones are second class citizens kinship wise, as those 3k ones will be dropped “within” 10 days of the auction. If the raffled closed portals will be dropped even one minute after the auction ones can be claimed, they will have a big handicap in the kinship rarity season. 10 days means a loss of 20 kinship points, which at the current bazar price, is almost 4k GHST handicap.

I propose to the DAO to have the 3k raffled closed portals dropped at the same time with the 13k auctioned ones.

When should the 3k closed portals be airdropped (claimable)?


You’re definitely right that this is a disadvantage for raffle winners hoping to participate in kinship rarity season. The clearest solution is to open the raffle smart contracts on 8/26 and close them on 8/29 at 2pm UTC, exactly when the Aauction ends. I worry that the team may not have the raffle ready by then, however. I guess the real question here is if we really want a delay and change in the H2 aauction date and time if the raffle isn’t ready.

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I thought this was on purpose, to give the paid-for portals an advantage over the raffled ones? I actually liked this, because I was afraid it would be the other way around. However, after reading your post and thinking about it for a while, I think you’re right. It would be better if it was happening at the same time. Just as long as the raffled portals don’t become available before the bought ones.


The difference in time is mainly to allow for any dev issues that may arise, but our intention is to launch as soon as the raffle is ready. There are LOTS of preparations happening behind the scenes to make all this work so we can’t guarantee a timeframe, but I highly doubt we’ll need the full 7-10 days.