I’ll kick things off with a fairly simplistic idea for the eye traits…
Name of Idea: Content Unlockers & VIP Access
In 10 words or less, what would EYS do? Combine with EYC to give unique access to game content
In 10 words or less, what would EYC do? Combine with EYS to give unique access to game content
Key Details & Assumptions:
- EYS and EYC would not overlap with existing NRG, AGG, SPK, BRN traits
- No game stat or trait bonuses for EYS
- Vision and handling removed completely from EYC
Explanation & Implementation:
Eye traits, to date, have been a fairly speculative and subjective trait on the gotchi market. The exclusivity of owning a double myth (and subsequent pricetag) is something that makes sense to maintain within the gotchiverse.
However eye traits are the least flexible of all traits. If we are to assign gameplay traits to them we raise the likelihood of players having a poor experience in the gotchiverse if they are stuck with a particular bonus or stat boost that makes little sense for their gotchi.
For example, imagine you have summoned an excellent “Melee Power” gotchi but your EYS gives you a “Ranged Power” boost. There is very little chance you have built your gotchi around ranged abilities so in most cases, this boost is wasted.
By maintaining a purely flex and VIP implementation of the eye traits we can still give oustanding value to owners of eye types that are scarce AND great gameplay by making eye traits unlock certain content. Examples of content that can be unlocked with certain eye combinations include:
- Treasure chests with alchemica, items and NFT’s,
- Doors to bonus areas in dungeons,
- One-off daily gameplay boosts for certain eye types,
- “MAASIVE crystals” that contain alchemica that is drawn out/mined by a gotchi BUT certain eye combinations or colours draw out the alchemica quicker
- Exclusive events
- Eye specific Aarena matches
- “Eye type of the day” style bonuses that may let a certain type of eye craft at a 10% discount for the day
There is huge potential for this type of implementation to boost engagement and co-operation between players. Imagine a dungeon maze with a multitude of doors with different EYS/EYC combos required to unlock them. Players would have to go out of their way to form a team of diverse gotchis just to get through the maze!
To maintain the exclusivity and desirability of higher rarity eyes, they would unlock better content than lower rarity eyes. E.g. Double myth treasure chests would have more alchemica than common eye treasure chests.
The core objective of this idea is to keep things simple and aligned with how we currently view eye traits. We already have a diverse range of game traits in NRG, AGG, SPK, BRN (and soon wearables too) and it may turn out better in the long run to keep eye traits completely separate from these. However, we still want to ensure scarce eyes are valuable and hopefully as a community we can come up with exclusive content that recognizes this