For reference about the main trait mappings :
I was for a long time a heavy mmorpgs player and fortunately, Aavegotchi saved me from this plague
But with this long experience, I also have a real passion for game design, in video games but also in board games.
Now, I think there is going to be a real problem with what you propose in the Bible chapter 2.
To see what it is possible to do with theses traits, let’s talk about the build we can make and what we generally observe in a good PVP focused game.
Builds we can make
Let’s go straight to the overpowerd build that can ruin the game : The Tanky Mage Warrior.
NRG : Fast
AGG : Tanky
SPK : Fast HP Regen
BRN : High Ranged Damage
This build can go faster or as fast as melee players and even if you can hit him, he can tank damage and regen hp. The only drawback is that he will have a slow attack speed but he don’t care because he is almost unkillable with Armor + Regen.
Now, let’s make a melee gotchi : The Melee DPS
NRG : Fast
AGG : High Melee Damage
SPK : High Evasion
BRN : Fast Attack Speed
This build can fast attack in melee and try to kill other gotchis like this. His advantages are that with High Melee Damage and Fast Attack speed combined, he can have a higher damange per second than a mage.
So what is the problem?
The main problem is that you can make like a “rogue” class but mages have no drawbacks with their high armor and high hp regen. So there is balancing problem because if a melee gotchi can’t go faster than a mage, it will never be able to kill him. If he reach him, the mage will tank the damage and then regen. And because mage are playing the “hit and run” game, they will probably become overpowered.
What should a good PvP focus game?
In a good PvP game, there are some game design that are almost mandatory. Some games had the idea to change this holy trinity but rarely lasted. Also, by trying to leave theses fondamentals, we increase the risks of creating imbalances. I guess in a game based on smart contracts and with a DAO, the best thing is to first build on solid foundations and only then propose paatches that are a bit more creative.
So for a PvP game to work well, a balance between melees and ranged have to be found. A lot of times, melees have hard times to have fun and ranged rule the world. Why? Because melee have to go to contact and a lot of ranged players can just pew pew them. With an army of ranged players, it can even become impossible for melees to do anything. A lot of play test looks good and then, when the game start we discover that melees players can barely play because players go naturally with the easiest gameplay: the ranged one. So there is more ranged players and less melees. Then players complain about melee and they get upped and ranged get nerfed… and we enter in a loop of hell, because ranged players can just win with more ranged players and melee can’t because of placement.
Also, we have to keep in mind that there is no heal in Aavegotchi, or at least, not yet. And without heal, melees are even more exposed.
Sooooooo, what we can change with low risk of creating overpowered ranged players against just good melee players ? There is one answer : make the melee looks overpowered and not the ranged because of the “more risk = more reward” rule. And going melee is exactly that : taking more risk.
So first, ranged should not be able to have high armor. They must be squishy. The drawback of having a high DPS should be to be less tanky, easier to kill. We often call that a “glass canon”.
Next, the ultimate Tank should be possible. A gotchi that can take a lot of damage but barely make any DPS.
And last but not least, melee DPS must always be more hard to kill than ranged. It can be because they are faster, they have more HP, they have more evasion. Often in game, they are wearing leather armors.
What could be a good change
So here is a proposition. Or my proposition.
Note: An even better proposition, which respects the lore and have one less change, is available at the end of this post. The descriptions below have been modified to reflect these new proposed changes.
Change Attack Speed to Armor (AGG)
You can’t become a ranged with armor anymore. You could have evasion (see below) but you can’t have both anymore. Also, if you want to play melee, you can choose to also have high armor, like a warrior.
Change Ethereality to Attack Speed (SPK)
You can regen your HP or attack fast. That way, you can become a glass canon (no hp regen but high damange output), but also a well suited tank with Armor + Health Regen.
If you are ranged, you can also choose the safe way by having hp regen.
Change Attack Speed to Armor (BRN)
Now you have to choose if you want to become the ultimate tank and have a very boring life or become a real warrior. Ranged would probably prefer to have evasion (with AGG) but it’s not mandatory. They also can want to damage in melee.
Merging all together, there is no bad build or trash gotchi. You can have any combination and it will be good. The only meh build would probably be Ranged Damange + Health Regen Speed + Melee Damage.
Now about new builds we can make
This new way to see the trait mappings open new builds that can be very addictive.
The Carrier
Carrying Capacity + Armor + Health Regen Speed + Evasion
You can’t DPS but you are very hard to kill. And now with Carrying Capacity, tanking become a fun way to play! PROTECT THE CARRIER!!
Drawback: no DPS. Will probably put all his points in HP/Armor.
The Glass Canon
Movement Speed + Ranged Damage + Attack Speed + Evasion
You kill everyone but sometimes you get hit… and die.
Drawback: very squishy. Will probably put no points in HP/Armor when leveling up
The Melee Warrior
Movement Speed + Armor + Attack Speed + Melee Damage
See what I said before ? You probably do the same damage as the ranged but you can tank more to have time to go to contact. Higher Risk, Higher Reward.
Drawback: No HP regen. Time is counted when you go in combat. Will probably put Armor and Damage in points while leveling up.
The Hybrid Tank
Movement Speed or Carrying Capacity + Armor + Health Regen Speed + Melee Damage
You are tanky but can also do damage. You don’t attack fast but you can retreat and regen. It’s a good solo build I guess. With carrying capacity (like 50 in NRG), you can also carry Alchemica but not die on the first encounter.
Drawback: No Evasion can be put you in trouble against glass canon because you will probably not regen fast enough.
The Classic Mage
Movement Speed + Ranged Damage + Health Regen Speed + Evasion
You can do a nice DPS and when you get hit, leave the fight to have the time to regen
Drawback: No drawback. It’s a very classical balanced build I guess.
Edit: Further analysis
After further reflection and with the excellent point of @roxiano below, he suggested that AGG is more melee and BRN more ranged and that completely make sense (I was just writing about game balance and didn’t look at lore). So by changing nothing, we can just reverse AGG and BRN to stay more suitable with traits names.
- There is one less change (3 instead of 4).
- AGG = Melee Damage, BRN = Ranged Damage
- Low Aggressivity = Better evasion
- High Spookiness = faster attack speed
- Low BRN = Smol intelligence but STRONK
Edit 2: Class names ideas
With 3 main traits that affect combat, we could try to find classe names that we could give to the different combinations.
These archetypes make much more sense to me than archetypes like armor + ranged damage + whatever without the possibility of cumulating armor and combat in melee.