How many Portals should be bought in one txn?

If that is true, then bots will scoop up 10s at a time instead of one, which is even worse imho


Yes i am aware of that and this is why i said using the old KYC should not be used to buy portals. LOL but thanks for the clarification :grin:

clearly i’m not for limiting to a fixed number or trx by wallet. Eth is not there to be restrictive.

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If we can make multiple transactions, I think even 1 should be fine. In, you create one by one. It can be annoying if you want multiple, but that will allow widest distribution, and if available, you can still make multiple transactions. But I can’t tell about the bots problem, I have no knowledge about that. If 1 is a problem, then whatever smallest number that overcome bots issues.

pretty smart or each block allowing many user to buy at same price

The 24hours rules is good, so people can’t just buy all the portals all by themself and 5 is ok

we need for users for aavegotchi that just a bunch of people who did buy everything like whales and the thing at the beginning there be only 10k of portals but after if there a 100k of portals y’all can change the rules !

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I think 2 - 5 is ok
:rofl: :100: :100:

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That’s a great idea!!

Im not a game designer but my gut is screaming 1 for sure for the first haunt or two.
Maybe 2 or 3 but I dont have access to metrics, whale info, etc … how often they will be …
One thing for sure is it will suck if i cant get one b/c someone took them all …
Personally I am hoping to only buy one.


3 or 5 or maybe lucky 8 … :ok_hand:

max 5 for one transaction. 10 transactions top for each address.

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Well, I have read a bunch of replies here spouting small numbers ranging 3 to 5 to 10 and more; wondering if people realize just how many folks actually WANT to get one, or if they themselves will get 5 or 10 etc.

Doing maybe up to two per person in line seems the way to go, as there could be choice for Aavegotchi pick with rarity, and preventing someone just taking a bunch to end up selling most. The B20 token sale had an initial 11 million token sale FCFS, and 3 different wallets buying 444,444 $DAI worth each left lots o’ folks cryin’ and the sellers stunned.

You get one at the least just only being 10,000 and hoping that you all will release more obviously later, but multiple numbers and the rascally few could pooch it for the greater bunch.


Very good points.

I think if it is possible, there should be some sort of captcha or something on the front-end. The only problem with this is that bot’s very rarely go through the website. They will interact with the smart contract directly, so any bot prevention on the front-end could just be circumvented by going around it.

I just finished reading most of that thread. I don’t get it why some says 5 or 10 or more too.
I bought some GHST and staked them for some times, because i want to play the game, yes aavegotchis can be profitable, but DEFI ecosystem offers some more straightforward ways to be profitable.
So yes i think the limitation regarding how much portal a wallet can buy needs to favor “small” players. I mean we all deserve one Gotchis…
So if that’s technically possible to implement i will just go for a limit of portal per day per wallet.

  • max 1 portal per wallet on day 1 + captcha eventually
  • then max 2 portals per wallet for the next days
  • i have no idea of the volume so we can stick to 2 or go for a curve of any kind.

That way we are sure all GHST holders can at least get one.


Also could tell people to roll-up to the ol’ Discord channel and maybe book into a thread/moderated chat, whereby you would count and log each person checking in with an assigned number maybe(?); couldn’t be easier unless maybe using a chat thread up in here to check-in and get a number. I reeeeally don’t want to say reserve one that way, but Dapper labs bless their hearts, have had surreal traffic lock and issues for some pack drops (same multiple grab problem). They used a queue/number-in-line system though and all went relatively well. Now onto other suggestions, thanks for the time! :metal:

3-5 should be fine, it’s moderate ~ :blush:

What if there was a curve on portals the more you buy the more it costs?it’s a good idear.

:grinning:10个比较好 :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing:

