Increase the frequency of petting

Hello frens. I am not sure if this is a subject that has been discussed previously as I am new here and still learning all I can. My idea would be to consider making the interval for Petting shorter to increase the kinship score of more active Aavegotchi owners. I have read some of the other threads of other frens lamenting about the difficulty of leveling up compared to whales. If we increase the frequency of kinship interactions (petting specifically) we would allow lower capital Aavegotchi owners to competitively grow their kinship score and it would serve to blunt the effect of larger investors merely buying up potions to level up their kinship. This would incentivize the more devoted players in the ecosystem by enabling them to grow one aspect more equitably. The pool of rarity rewards is only 20% for top kinship scores so this could still preserve the open market for rarity farming. We can make it so that players who adhere to the 12hr interval are not penalized for less interactions but those of us who interact more frequently can grow kinship scores organically without being left behind by investors with more capital.

Any feedback would be appreciated! :nerd_face:


I think it’s an interesting idea but would make the gap between bots/scripts and real players much bigger. People have already suggested things to minimize their impact, so I think that should be addressed first.

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Thank you for the feedback. I agree that bots would be an issue. I guess I’m just greedy and want to interact more with my little frens.

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