Make Season 2 great for new players

What does everybody think of limiting the number of portals per address or purchase or similar system? I haven’t received much comment back, but honestly I think it’s the one of the most important changes that can be made. After hearing complaints of everything going on with Zed Run drops, making sure drops are fair and get wide distribution is one of the most important keys to success of these projects.

Kind of off-topic for this thread, but I’ll answer anyway. Without using something like BrightID (which has its own issues) it’s very difficult to limit purchases to “one per address”. What is an address? It’s just a wallet funded with GHST. It’s easy for a bot to spread GHST around to hundreds of wallets.

We’re using a new auction-based approach for H2 and the REALM parcels, called the GBM. Essentially it’s a fully-funded bid where you earn GHST for being outbid. Bots will still have a slight advantage in that they can bid faster than humans, but it’s not nearly as bad as how it is right now, with bots sweeping in to grab items before humans can.


I hear you on the competitiveness of the boards. The challenge is as of right now, there is no possible way for anyone to ever catch the top kinship/xp gotchis. In most games, there is a level cap that people grind to and then begin the end game competition. That way, everyone at some point can catch up and participate.

We don’t have that. So without some change to either the kinship/xp mechanism or to go with delta boards, there really isn’t much of a competition at all. If there is a bot petting for kinship from day one then that gotchi will be unbeatable forever. Not really a competition or fair play.

I don’t really know how the kinship usage for harvesting mechanism is going to work yet, but to me it shows another reason why a delta board would be cool. People would choose which gotchi to not spend kinship on for that season, grind to the top, and then at the end of the season, they would spend all that kinship to harvest elements in the realm.

If we go the route of diminishing returns, I would suggest we tinker with the wording a bit. Back in the old days of WoW, they wanted to discourage people from playing all day every day, so they introduced an xp gain penalty if you were on for x amount of hours. People hated it. So what did they do? They introduced a rested bonus, where people who didn’t play got an xp bonus. It was actually the exact same numbers, just different words.

I think it would be far better to give boosted numbers and gains to new gotchis (from the current +1) at kinship 50 rather than slash gains after certain numbers. 50 kinship gotchis could gain 5 or so and it would trim all the way down to 1. That way nobody is “penalised.” To me that feels much more attractive than slimming down kinship gains to 0.25 etc. for those at a high rank. Same result, different energy towards it.

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It is true Haaunt 2 gotchis will struggle to compete with Haaunt 1 gotchis, but as we move past Season 2, those gotchis will have a similar advantage over Haaunt 3 and so on as we progress. As long as this system is applied consistently, I think people will plan accordingly. Changing things up too drastically season to season, is what is makes it difficult to stay in a project long term.


I haven’t been able to read through the entire thread, so bear with me if this has been suggested before.

I would introduce a fourth leaderboard for SNZ2. This leaderboard should be entirely play2earn.
I am thinking of daily challenges, minigame scores, community engagement, content creation, maybe one or the other contest e.g. for the best looking Gotchi and so on.
Also for this leaderboard players with multiple high BRS, Kinship, XP would have an advantage (e.g. in minigames) but it should be designed in a way that a really hard working/competing spirit with one mediocre Gotchi could possibly earn the top spot.
Maybe have an allocation of 60/20/10/10 % each for the four leaderboards (just an example).

For the existing 3 leaderboards, I think things should stay as they are, but for XP and Kinship there should be like a multiplier for low kin/xp Gotchis in order for them to have a chance at reaching higher spots. I would also prefer this instead of nerving existing H1 Gotchis.

I think there at least should be a clear advantage for people how have been dedicated to petting their Gotchis as often as possible since the start. However, I would also not mind if this was just a slight advantage.

Longterm playability and attraction to newbies should definitely be the main focus in tailoring the rewards for future seasons.


There are so many great ideas here, Aavegotchi has a very democratic community compared to other Dao projects. That being said I feel like we will need to draft some sort of Gotchi Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
“Thou shall not segregate thy Gotchi’s between Haunts” -This should be avoided at all costs.
There is no need for Kinship summoning boosts if the whole Kinship dynamic is more
game-ified through a Kinship sink (Gotchus Alchemica channelling) and Boosts (potions) earned through “proof of play” such as high scores and top ranks in mini-games. Like someone mentioned earlier, these potions can be incredibly valuable to someone who needs to make some side income, or not valuable at all to a whale that wants to buy and chug 100 of them to get highest kinship(economically wont make sense). Choice is yours; and isn’t that what decentralization is all about? Autonomy and personal choices. People who want to earn additional GHST based on kinship during RF can pet religiously, not channel kin into their land, and put the time and effort to play minigames, get good at them, and earn kinship potions from ranking as high as they can on mini-game boards, earning potions. I imagine once the Realm comes out people will be channeling their kinship into their land like mad to get that sweet alchem to build things and alot of kinship concerns will fall to the wayside. I personally have a pristine Gotchi that will never give up an kin, and my “miner Gotchi’s” which accrue kin daily for future mining operations.

10 years from now when H20 is being released XP will be a true indicator of an OG. How many tings did you vote for? How many times did you kill it in a mini-game? How many community calls and events were you a part of? During RF, I set time aside to accrue XP for all my Gotchis. Why? because you level up and make your Gotchi rarer Fren! This will be the real flex when “Heads Of State” get their ghosts. My XP will still be wayyyy higher. Does this make RF unfair? not at all. See next point.

In a podcast Dan had briefly mentioned how RF could play out in the future. I believe this was either before or during RF SZ1 so maybe they’ve changed their line of thought. He said “your Aavegotchi could be really rare one week during RF and then not so rare the next week” i’m thinking this was in reference to ARS. It would make sense with ARS if you had a fairly common middle stat gotchi, and lets say there were only a dozen similar, though common, it would technically be rare based on its ARS. Now you combine that with those special wearable combo outfits like “Curve surfer” which was a legendary item combined with two commons to give a decent boost; now we’ve made things more competitive among everyone. Dumping a ton of GHST into items can still get you to the top, but its not necessary. A new player can summon an H2 Gotchi, be really active in the game, Earn some Kin potions in mini-games, buy a few from frens, do their research and see what Gotchi’s are out there (courtesy of Aavegotchi Stats) and summon the one that they think would be most competitive for RF (beforehand of course, I realize you need the Gotchi to play).

See-ing all the time and effort put into this one thread really shows all the dedication we’re putting into this game. I know everyone here including myself wants to be able to tell people they were there at the start when Aavegotchi becomes a household name. None of my opinions are meant with ill-intent towards other points people have brought up, and I welcome anyone to add/ challenge any of the points I made.


Transferable Kinship Potions have already tainted a season. Don’t let it happen again. With three leaderboard you can have 3 different win mechanics. So why settle for just 2?

  • Rarity: Pay to win

  • Kinship: Play to win: Interactions + non-transferable Kinship Potions as minigame rewards

  • XP: Play to earn: transferable XP Potions as minigame rewards.

This way you can choose how you want to make gains:
Do you wanna farm for the whales?
Sell the transferable XP potions you won in your minigames on the market.
Do you wanna play to climb the leaderboard?
Great, just keep petting and use your non-transferable Kinship potions for boosts. Whales who don’t want to invest time, will not be able to buy their way in front of you (at least not once the rest of the transferable Kinship potions are gone or forever HODLed).
Do you wanna buy some godlike / legendary items and call it a day?
Awesome, go Rarity Leaderboard.

Everyone wins. Everyone’s’ interests are considered. Three different win mechanics.