Next season of rarity farming

Ser, I have not seen these “development” on the forge 2 proposal.

It appears the forge team itself is not leveraging it

(i.e. a schematic smith that has a level requirement?)

Like what I would expect to see when smithing high rarity item in a typical game. You would need high smithing level to smith/smelt a godlike.

Games pick up on it / making it fun seem to be highly dependent on someone else doing that

That is fine. I agree its not a problem since you are focused on “dollar value” and point is not getting across.

Lets not let it derail the discussion. (Like why you selectively quote me and respond)

Probably we are all better off to go back to discuss RF as we kind of side tracked.

This was discussed at length and ultimately decided by the community to not be the best way forward. We do our best to hybridise gaming + NFTs, and ultimately some decisions need to favour the latter over the former.

The smithing skill was never meant to be a core feature or planned to be developed into something bigger. The faster smithing time is a nice bonus, but as you can see, not entirely important. But by having the skill, we open the avenue for more things (like a competition).

Anyways, I think the smithing competition is a conversation to have in another thread.

exp has +1 brs point every 3 level

The level reward doesn’t have to be grand

The forge can easily “airdrop” non-brs schematic to anyone reaching a level as a “congrats”

(i.e. first to reach x level)

Let’s keep the next RF as usual. We can reward highly skilled smiths in some way and/or make competition as we do for alchemica compo.


The Forge Team wants to help add value and excitement to whatever the DAO decides about RFS6. We had some of the following ideas and are hoping for feedback:

Balance the Godlike Meta Before RFS6 goes live, introduce 2-3 new 4-piece sets using pre-existing wearables. This would be a buff to legacy godlike wearables and help balance the meta. We’ve done some research on which wearables desperately need more attention and sets, and we would target these. @notorious_BTC can include his beautiful data or share some examples. If there is interest in this, we can find a way to use VRF to select the new sets from among a group of possibilities.

Delta-XP Mechanic The Forge Team could design a new schematic that would be awarded to the top 50 delta XP gotchis. This would serve as an impetus to sacrifice gotchis, engage in DAO votes, and participate in XP-granting activities and games. The amount of GHST allotted to the XP category is up for the DAO to decide and we can run this competition in parallel. Ideally, we could partner with @Immaterial to have a delta XP leaderboard and smithing skill leaderboard added to the famous which we use for the alchemica competitions.

Smithing Competition Based on feedback so far, there is a lot of hesitance to make smithing an independent rarity farming category. The Forge Team can design a smithing competition that awards smithing level with a variety of prizes: new schematics, alloy (per DAO vote only), and potentially tokens as we may submit a proposal for the Aavegotchi DAO. This competition could be at the same time or completely separate from RFS6. We would love feedback on the idea and ideal timing.

New Schematics We may not be able to have a whole new batch of schematics in time for the beginning of RFS6, depending, of course, on how fast the DAO wants it. We are exploring a variety of ways to distribute schematics, including through collaborations and experiences. So, even if we don’t have a full 15-20 piece schematic sale, we hope to have a few new options to Forge and spice up RFS6.

Looking Ahead We advise the community to have a general approach and framework to rarity farming and where we want to go. We will defer treasury balance and cost discussions, but regarding the wearable meta, we could consider something like the following:
RFS6-8: Balance the meta, focus on adding value to OG items, create new sets with old items; ensure that new sets aren’t overpowered and be more mindful about power creep
RFS9+: New sets, ideally community developed or inspired; established expectations for new content from a pool of wearable suggestions chosen randomly with VRF.

Thanks for the feedback and know that all of the above is open ideation.


Balancing the Godlike Meta is something I have been keenly interested in since last season of rarity farming. At present, there are just two four-piece godlike sets. This places them in a tier of their own and if they fit a gotchi perfectly, it is almost impossible to beat them.

What I’ve done is create a spreadsheet of all wearables and then look at what sets are available to them. I only considered sets that are either one or two rarity in total. If we are going to improve the end game meta, I suggest we do so by bringing new life to OG items vs solely through new schematic sets of perfect fits.

How we proceed in a fair manner is up for discussion, but I have combed through the most unloved items and tried building some possible sets from them that match in both traits and appearance.

Here are three I have crafted so far:

Grandmaster Link Oracle, Burnmaster, and ???

There aren’t a ton of options that both make sense appearance-wise and match in traits.

Ultimately, I believe we might need to release a few new schematics which could be used to build new set combinations from the old items. This is where Looking Ahead comes into play.

I don’t believe all items need to have a full top-tier set, but we do need to have more 4 piece GL sets available in order to make the end game RF competitive.

I’ve created this sheet for all rarity tiers as well and would like to use the next seasons of RF to achieve two things: bring life to old items and bring balance to the overall trait matrix.

AGIP 46 was created to bring about more sets, and once that is implemented, we will have a nice picture of where we stand.

Sets are an important feature of Rarity Farming and I believe with more viable options we will see more volume in the bazaar.


I don’t like this one, the amount of payouts you say suggests that its another mythical schematic, are there not enough extra mythical schematics unused and unusable ?i see the forge rate of the last mythical set not representative enough to make this prize interesting, nor the leaderboard tbh, dont think there are enough XP granting activities to justify a distinction of a top 50 in a competitive way.

I like the idea of a Smithing Competition or some sort of leaderboard, i would oppose to dilluting more the alloy thou, the way i see it alloy derives its value on the floor of wearables price, having more alloy in circulation makes negative price pressure on this price, yes there is a 5% burn, but if suddenly we recycled even 50-100k more alloy into the market i dont see myth and legendary items holding any kind of floor price . That said the idea of schematics releases could be interesting to incentivise the competition itself, so for example having 2 rounds of prizes in that leaderboard (2weeks round with current schematics, payout new schematics to winners along with some GHST/collab(?) instead of alloy, and have another 2 week round with a second set of prizes. Attracting value to alloy is incentivising the whole wearables market, the DAO alloy could be used to , for example, mint full wearables for a raffle to try and clean up remaining FRENS, or make a ‘bag of alloy’ raffle

Please apply some onchain randomness (anywhere and everywhere) to the selection of new schematics/bonuses/prizes(?), like i think yanik suggested to avoid finger poiting.


You mean, like sacrifices? The goal is sacrifices, not voting :wink:

We should be looking at xp leaderboard as a way to achieve deflation of gotchis.

One of the toxic elements of our economy, is that weve decided all gotchis must have a purpose. Im pretty sure that was done to get people to hodl through the bear, but its not a great long term plan.

We should be incentivising sacrifices, to cull the herd. We started with a RNG game, and we’re subsidizing the bad rolls at the expense of the entire economy.

The xp delta is a great plan and should be implemented.

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The key is to make it so the top spots are essentially getting an alloy refund on their burn rate, with top 3 in profit and a tail that is a nice subsidy.

If done right, it will deflate faster.

Instead of giving numvers in advance, we should take this opportunity to design it to be automatically deflative using an algorithm.

Take half the daos alloy to gbm, half to forge competition.
Then distribute it via algorithm so that the top person makes 25% profit, it goes down from there, and the tail is as long as the allocation lasts.

If the top person goes absolutely nuts and somehow gets the whole pile… good.

If the top doesnt go that hard… smaller players activate and fill it in.

The game theory on thar situation is very strong, because the harder we go, the more we deflate, and the value of being #1 goes up at an increasing rate.

This also gives value to people who dont forge, because their items become far more valuable.

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I guess I should be more open-minded for new ways of Farmings.

But, Rarity - Farming, where Rarity on the first place, is the thing that should be our guide in this field of brainstorm.

I’m agree about lots of valid ideas that our respectful OGs discussed and suggested in this thread:

Even though I bet that I’ll suck at it, with all the gotchis that I have :sweat_smile:

Competitions are competitions, and they should keep their separate space for rewards.
This means that if we go for new categories, we could think of more various competitions.
If we will decide, that it’ll be fun and worthy, we should go for it, and in this matter, I guess we will have a need to lower RF rewards, to allocate funds to new competitions.
Why do we need to have 2 farming ecents a year, if we can have some “party”, competitions, running almost all the time, we just need to cut down the reqards from classic RF, since by now, our DAO don’t have a way to refill it’s rewarding pool.
Another option for new categories is to hold RF rewards to the classic rewarding system and follow the example of @stedari

Such as:
An example of forging competitions- rewards going to be related to forge mechanics, with the reqards like alloy, geods, schematics, cores, essence, or wearables.

I love it! This is the way @stedari and our Botanica project will go the same way for rewarding people, but it’s to early for me to talk about it, since it’s still far for Botanica project MVP to be rolled out.

My points in conclusions:
If we will bring new categories, then we need to find the way of giving rewards that have a matter in this competitions, like particular traits modifier wearables, if we bring competitions based on traits (lowest engr, or highest brain), if we would bring uniq looking gotchis, we would give away unique Fakes or, if we would have vanity items only for a look, it would be nice reward and etc.
We should go hungry and hunt down our GHST rf pool with each possible way.
IMHO ofc.

About other initiatives:

Fren… why only Godlike? Isn’t it too narrow? Mythical items with legendary have no space to make it more flexible? :frowning:

Definitely agree.

What I don’t like 4 sure, is Delta-XP.
Rarity farming that been made straight after Haaunt2, been cheated with the Delta Xp board. This is going to be exploited again. Don’t do that, please. We don’t need to have this extractors back door again…

To touch on this quickly…the aim is not just the Godlike meta. The Godlike meta however is the one which only has a few sets that rule above the rest due to them having a four piece only GL set bonus.

A lot of items need more love imo. Which is why we want to propose for the next RF seasons we release schematics which focus on plugging the gaps and bringing the net trait distribution closer to zero.

How would this be exploited? If we make the delta mechanic a pure value add vs part of the main equation, how do you see someone taking advantage of this in an unfair way? The aim of the game is to deflate gotchi supply through sacrifice.

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To answer this exactly, we have to look back, at the formula, that been used a long ago, to not make it repeat the same story, as it was back then.

Newcomer gotchis got 200+ ghst per round, I don’t think that it’s not something that couldn’t be called as abuse of that kind of calculation system >_<

Maybe your formula is going to sew up that hole, and it’s going to fine this time.
I hope you guys will cover it🙏

I really love the ideas of rewarding gotchis for them deeds in the matter of their engagements, with rewards related to them activity:
For smithing, getting rewarded with the forge resources
For Fake gotchi creations, artist could be rewarded with cards, and the holders of fakes and the displays, could be rewarded with the displays skins/frames

Can you elaborate on this?

What is the exploit?

AFAIK delta xp = how much has it changed since last RF, and the only way to win that would be sacrifices or maybe if you passed a LOT of props, but even 1 sacrifice blows any possible xp earned other ways completely out of the water.

When you say treasury is not getting refilled, why is that? Nothing to sell, right?

Well, thats why we need to align our rewards with sacrifices and amelting . We can sell alloy and gotchis, but not till weve culled enough to cause shortages.

For gotchis, i think we’d want to see hundreds sacrificed each time, and alloy is more of a matter of hitting a tipping point where the supply of actual unwanted/extra wearables has push the cloor up and people are starting to be unable to forge due to lack of supply.

Not sure how to get to hundreds of gotchis, but if there is a reward for top 100, thats definitely going to get 100+ gotchis killed and if we start putting in micropayments for some vip features, we have a nice churning mechanism where the rewards are just a nudge to encourage people to be the suppply, and to level their newborns quickly.


Agree with the churning statement. aavegotchi has been quiet for far too long. Time to find ways to sacrifice more gotchis, or institutionally increase demand for floor gotchis. Forge is only one aspect, perhaps increasing the RF reward of xp can also stir up the market.
But I think the core key is: the total amount or supply of gotchis has not set a hard cap, or the supply has no plan. This will turn into a disaster sooner or later, and in the end all parties will agree that the DAO will issue unlimited gotchis for various reasons.
Time to discuss a supply plan, or an immutable total supply.

Question about distribution of RF rewards for BRS and xp kin. I think a lot of times we don’t figure out what the core assets are. Is equipment a more core asset than gotchis? Keep the equipment market by excessively rewarding high BRS.
But equipment is only a Ancillary asset of gotchis. If the price of gotchis falls, you will not be able to keep the equipment market with such a high reward BRS.
Only when the core asset gotchis rises, will the Ancillary assets rise as the price of gotchis rises.
Therefore, we should pay more attention to the floor price of gotchis, and RF rewards should also be tilted in this direction.
Instead of focusing on rewards such as equipment or land and other Ancillary assets.
Ancillary assets only go up as core assets go up.Spending time and money to protect secondary assets instead of protecting core assets is like you want to get water without a source.

Now the market aavegotchis the market is weird in. Clothes are much, much more expensive than gotchis. Whether it is placed in reality or in the game, this behavior is outrageous. It’s like a person is only worth $200, but clothes are worth $10,000. This is clearly an unsustainable value inversion. I think $10,000 in clothes is reasonable only when the value of the person is above $10,000.
Including the land, the value of the previous large piece of land was 10,000 US dollars, while the value of gotchi was only 200 US dollars. This is obviously also a kind of value inversion. In the end, because there is no reward support, the land price naturally collapses.
Now the equipment is still struggling to support, because there are still a lot of RF rewards on the BRS.
In fact, what we should pay more attention to is the price of gotchis. When gotchis floor is $1,000, it seems normal for me to buy a $500 clothes. Only in this way will there be normal demand. Instead of getting $200 gotchis to wear $500 clothes.

Human society now advocates people-oriented. I hope the gotchis society can also be based on gotchis.

I referred, imho, to the failed and abused delta XP leaderboard that happens way back to benefit “newcomers” that been feeling that the RF will go unfair, and in the end it’s been “exploited” by some of the OGs, and absolutely not by the newbies, to gain massive rewards for nothing, just by switching one xp to another and getting the initial gotchi cost back.
Since there wasnt a significant difference in kinship, it went harmless on kinship rewards.

Not yet, but soon, there will be the way to fill it up. Rikige and me working on it with the Botanica project.

I’m glad that you are going strong on supporting forge mechanics, but I’m done talking about it from now, since Forge decided to do the side event(s) that are not going to get a dip of it’s rewards from the RF pool, as I get it. Cool if they will do so, if not, then I have nothing more to say, cuz all been said already from my position.

No one took the permission from you to sacrifice them. You can do classic XP transfer or you can do it at for essence at forge. But it’s up 2 u, you want it or you don’t want it, you choose.

This is nothing more then a short term solution, with a downside thinking.
The game plan is unlimited, with the soft cap for events set on minimum around 6-10 years.
Near full alchemica inflation will be achieved after ~30 years.
And you want us to stay with <25k of gotchis for all the plots of land, which will be 420069 one day in the total supply?
This means that the faith in the aavegotchi from your perspective is low.
Think of 10 gotchi per 1 land, and then count.

Aavegotchi have a long road ahead, and concentration on the short term solutions is a narrow point of view.

We need to seek for more occupation for gotchis, more gameplay, more utilities for gotchis, traits, XP and kinship, which is long term way of thinking.
Or I’m not right?

P.s. I don’t like to be forced to do things against my will if I don’t really like them.
There is no such a thing that “I can’t” - there is a thing “I don’t want” - and the force is not a way to make me want to do it by any matter.
HODL Gotchis 4ever and collect more - is my vibe.
P.p.s. Many of us want more gotchis and more haunts(including PC), I’m not sure what are you seeking with the massacres’ by referring to the sort and long terms, where sacrificing is actually all about a short term solution.

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What makes btc valuable? Quantity limited. Controllable supply is the basis of blockchain value. If your supply is uncontrollable, what is the difference between you and the Bank of England. If aavegotchi’s mission is to fight against the blockchain. Then why does aavegotchi issue on the blockchain network? It would be fine to issue directly on the centralized server. Why spend gas on the value network. Even eth is deflationary. If your purpose is to fight the blockchain, this game will soon be zero.
When the money from the national treasury is spent, can you still say that your long-term goal is 30 years?
So narrow ?
If the total amount is uncontrollable. So what is the difference between DAO and the parliament that has repeatedly issued sterling to rescue bankrupt British banks?

You discuss supply from the perspective of land, which is a completely wrong angle. GOTCHIVERSE is just a derivative of aavegotchi. So it doesn’t matter how much land and how much alchemy there is in it. What is important is that the core asset aavegtochi needs to have a definite supply. Land and other wearables are consumables for gotchis.

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