Questionable Developments in the Citaadel - D27 & D30

i believe the Gotchiverse is still a Pixelcraft product, not owned in any way by the dao except in whatever opinions on pixelcraft thinks could influence gameplay. but i do believe the team should have made it more clear since it influences total available supply

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I understand the reason for a DAO, but it is impossible to create an efficient DAO when you dont even have a project yet… aavegotchi team has pretty much everything planned already while we dont have a clue, its pointless to make any decision.

The DAO concept is just this yet… if you look around many of top crypto OGs understand the limitations and inefficiencies of DAOs. The project wouldnt move if every decision needed a consensus from users.
Honestly Im not even sure if this will go that much forward into the future, at least in this format that people are dreaming.

You can not remove good leaders and visionaries.

Once the project is more mature, yes, i believe DAO will play the major role, but in this stage is questionable.

I agree with your sentiment. I’m not totally opposed to D27 & D30 being reserved for PC. I’d advocate that some proposals should NOT be YES/NO decisions and more public opinion polls on the blockchain. An advisory vote, or something like that. So, we can vote whether we like an action or dislike it. Public opinion matters as much as the actual decisions sometimes. Having a stronger sense of public opinion (beyond just the vocal forum & discord users) by allowing quiet stakeholders to express approval/disapproval would be beneficial to the DAO and our relationship with PC. This would be akin to insurance companies tracking “near accidents” and not just accidents to gauge a customer’s actual accident proclivity.


how does pixelcraft get compensated exactly?
If the DAO is already paying them GHST /DAI then why offering lands ?
If not then obviously we can offer some lands but we could release to them only part of the district based on where they have delivered compered to the overall roadmap. That way they are incentivized to work even after they get the “payment”


That’s what I was responding to. Those criticisms (“unnecessary centralization, no communication until after the fact, and a disregard for the whitepaper”) are all about the process, not about the issue. I responded to those criticisms, and I’m saying I would be more interested in discussing whether this is actually a problem. Do we want Pixelcraft to have an allocation or not, and where, and how much? And what are the consequences of not giving them an allocation? You don’t give reasons that they have made a bad plan, just that you don’t like the process.

Yes, I agree that if you take the quoted sentence literally (specifically, “All decisions…”) you could feel mislead here. And you would feel mislead nearly every week of the last year, when pixelcraft didn’t consult the DAO on any number of small gameplay decisions. But that’s an unreasonable reading of that statement. They’ve upheld the spirit: that they won’t go against the community on any important issue.

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Not quite sure what all the butthurt is about. DAO’s are very much an experimental form of governance and maybe some day everything will be decided in the DAO, but if literally every minor tweak to the litepaper needed a majority agreement we wouldn’t be farming alchemica till 2023. I would like to see more on what pixelcraft has planned for these two districts before jumping to conclusions. this team has built so much great content so far and I don’t want to force them to change direction without really knowing the impact.


Really mate! then it looks like lots of participants only signaling for XP. DAOs are the future, whether we agree or not, with their current form or an improved form. we don’t care about who takes what decision until the formation of DAO. once the DAO is in, every major decision should be signaled, otherwise what is the point to back the project.


I believe a DAO vote on this prior to the aauction would have given a huge yes in PC favor, so main issue is why it wasn’t flushed through the DAO for formalities sake. Alot of the speculation on gameplay/wearables etc is part of the game but agree this does not give a warm fuzzy feelin. So valid concern and hopefully PC wont interpret your post the wrong way.


First off I don’t really think calling it butthurt is a professional or courteous way to respond to this.

So you have no concerns with them minting assets directly to themselves? Where would you draw the line, can they mint new gotchis unilaterally if they decide to?

I think this community needs to decide how seriously we are taking the idea of a DAO governing the development of a game. If we are being serious then we need to be serious with the things that are written. When the Aavegotchi Wiki has stated the decisions that the DAO should be responsible for and we as a DAO don’t make those decisions, what is even the point of the DAO?

I love the work being done so far by Pixelcraft but according to the Wiki, once we are in this phase of the DAO, we are supposed to be approving game and realm mechanic changes. Hell, we should be approving the lite/white paper since those are game mechanics being decided and we are in OASIS phase.

So make up your mind people, are you here to govern and be a DAO or are you just here for the XP on your gotci?

Also, if you’re going to act like a DAO then maybe act more professional than dismissing someone because you don’t want to acknowledge the concern they are sharing.


So in your opinion, we aren’t building a metaverse we are instead watching them build a pixelcraft product? I hope that’s not the case.

They aren’t minting parcels to their individual selves, i.e. Dan and Jesse. They are minting them for Pixelcraft to use in the development of the metaverse. Likewise with the DAO–how could we complain about such an obvious benefit to everyone?

If they mint gotchis to themselves for personal profit? Bad bad bad.
If they mint some kind of unique Admin playable nft with serverwide powers to be used in and for the game? Sure, why would that be a problem?

It’s all about demonstrated intent.


I kinda like this phrase. The main game is the core of the Relaam and the whole project.
It should be put into DAO vote on whether the game mechanics are approved or not.
Of course a trial must be run on the testnet to see if those mechanics are actually fun/ favourable or not.

I think Pixelcraft need to make a Discussion thread first to gain soft consensus on whether they should have admin parcels first. Preferably a week to discuss and then like 3 days for snapshot vote.
How does that sound??


I’m ok with more centralized decision-making especially since this game is still in early development. This is the only way for the studio to continue shipping at this pace. However, I think Pixelcraft could communicate better rather than leaking info here and there through different mediums. The full whitepaper hasn’t even been released yet, so we are all investing with uncertainty and speculation.

To level the playing field for all, I would prefer announcements to be made about these things like D27/D30 and the increased Realm allocation for the raffle. Just blast the announcement everywhere in advance, so we are all aware and informed. Then if necessary, we can discuss and propose changes.


Yes, something like that sounds reasonable. It seems to me that the main thing that could be improved is communication and information flow. We have very engaged community members, and we have galaxy brain devs, but communication isn’t free or easy.

That’s also what the task forces are for, and I can say from being on the Wearables Task Force that it’s very productive but also sporadic and indefinite–and that’s okay because we’ve just gotten started talking about the scope of our job and the most pressing action items to advise PC on. There’s where we are as a DAO: starting to set up sub-committees to advise devs. One very important role of such committees might be to facilitate structured communication with standard guidelines. More generally, it would be great to have a concise weekly newsletter of all topics of discussion, votes, events, changes, and so on. But that takes a lot of work and someone to volunteer or be hired, and we’re working in good faith against an ambitious roadmap and lightning speed crypto space.

So actually I’ll reverse what I said before. It’s pointless to discuss whether Pixelcraft should have allocated itself parcels, since we almost certainly would have voted them to do so, and like the DAO parcels it’s a common good. It’s more interesting to discuss how to efficiently distribute and collect information.

What guidelines do we want for decisions? What problem or problems are we trying to solve? How can we empower the DAO without inhibiting Pixelcraft?

Appreciate the discussion, frens.

To Antelino’s point about the phase of DAO development we’re in: it just makes me see how quickly we’re moving! There has hardly been a weeklong lull in the last year of Aavegotchi, yet I feel like we’re still solidly in the cocoon phase. So much is TBD, and we are all reacting to more information than we can reasonably process. The DAO roadmap should be revisited by devs, and we should take stock ourselves of what level of independence we’re ready for. I would also love to hear general feedback from Dan or Jesse about where they see the DAO at this point and how they think about mechanics decision-making.


Just make the ALPHA public :sweat_smile: :joy:
But wait …
ALPHA will not be ALPHA when it is public right?

reporting my comment because I used the word butthurt? I think it’s not very professional to immediately jump to conclusions that pixelcraft is trying to pull a fast one on everybody and try to spin your own narrative. I say give them time to reveal their plans before trying to change or cancel them like you did my comment.

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Relax nobody is canceling you. And pixelcraft is great, hopegully you read that part of the post. We are talking about minting assets without oversight.

Maybe take a step back and remove your victim hat, it’s not the right party.

You have no idea who actually reported your comment and unless you can screenshot the report from the admins showing who reported it, you sound childish and ridiculous spewing your vitrol.

Not a single person here has even remotely hinted that Pixelcraft has done anything other than fantastic work up to this point. This is simply a discussion on the scope of both their authority and the authority of the DAO. If you can’t speak/type with respect and bring meaningful discussion to this, you have no place here.