Hey frens,
A topic we were discussing in the Wearables Task Force some time ago was imposing fixed caps on wearable distribution. Now that things are slow in the marketplace and crypto winter is upon us I believe it’s time to discuss this as a community, refine the idea, and bring it to a proper vote.
The premise is simple: impose a percentage-based hard cap on wearables based on the total live gotchis today.
For example, the total item count in the category of “common body” can only constitute 40% of the 19,404 summoned gotchis. That means 7761 is the maximum amount of common body items we can have (and by no means do we have to fill the gaps!). And with a current count of 7000 common body items, PC wouldn’t be able to launch any new common body items.
The advantage to this is investors will know exactly how much item dilution to expect. By being able to predict dilution events, the market prices will be more stable.
Several months ago I made this chart which shows the total item counts for each rarity and slot.
A consideration: whether by design or accident, we have two tiers of item slots: Face, Pet, and Eyes form the rarer of the two and Head, Body, and Hand are the commoner.
I set some proposed percentage-based caps here as well (the hand slot is multiplied by two as gotchis have two hands ). The green highlighted boxes show the only slots which are under the proposed caps.
These caps let us know not to expect any more wearables until there are more gotchis.
And then when the next haunt does eventually come, we will understand the total allowance for new wearables based on each slot.
What do you think about this?
Have a look over my numbers and let’s discuss about this. The last thing we want is another situation where the markets recover and wearables pump again. Then, in that pump, we release another big batch of wearables.