please omit my last sentance: “when he find no gotchis around his altar.”
my aim to prevent programed bots wait at high level altar for collection. and my idea is to decrease the qty of alchemicas in hot zone when altar at higher levels. so it is no profit for one bot wait there. at the same time the land owner can colloct alchemica easier because hot zone become smaller.
The L9 altar spills so little alchemica, that the alchemica around it is almost nothing, though. The L1 actually has a much denser spread and is the one that is easier for someone to come over and collect your goodies.
still very high, you see in table $fud only will be 5.94USD in hot zone, and one bot every hour can collect 10% if so for all alchemica the bot can collect 2USD, if Level 9 channel every one hour, the bot can collect more than 20USD one day, if I do for just 10 bots. it is enough to attract the costless bots to enter.
that is why I said, reduce as much as possible spillover in hotzone, and make hot zone smaller for alter owner easier collection. it can prevent bots get profit on this.
Initially I liked this idea in principle, and b/c it sounds like a more fun in-game experience for now.
Trying to play devils advocate:
These figures are a drastic change from the current playdrop style feel of the map, how will it change gameplay?
Will you have to somehow be in the know to make it ever worth entering the gotchiverse to collect spill over? Is this good or bad?
Once reservoir spill over starts this will effectively replace the playdrop/current state, with alchemica spreading everywhere like it does now, only more. Channeling spill over will be a much smaller % of all spill over and much more concentrated. Does this make this proposal more or less relevant?
Are we heading to a point where we approve this proposal and then reservoir spill over starts and we realise we have only addressed a smaller part of now larger problem? ie will we see a proposal soon to do the same thing with reservoir spill over? Or are we happy with still having spill falling everywhere to be botted, along with these more tactical channelling spillover events?
Here you are saying that whenever you channel you will expect a large number of bots waiting for you (especially for higher level aaltars) - so the solution is to make the radius so small you can outrun all the bots around you in that tiny circle?
If this is what you are saying(?), I don’t see it working.
What is stopping a bunch of bots standing right next to you and catching everything before you have a chance to move after approving a wallet txn? For this outcome we should just forget spill over and give it all to the channeller without running around.
Overall I worry this might compound the complaints we have about bots taking all our alchemica. How would this change your play as a human wandering around looking for parcels being channeled? I fear bots might be better at this than people.
thanks for question me and lots of questions but I mainly answer you this question. I don’t mean small circle can outrun the bots. what I mean, if let the altar spill over only small amount of alchemica in small hotzone. the bots wait there for an hour and just get a little income. so bots will not surround the high level altar. at the same time, the land owner can easily collect chemicas in such small circle even only small quantity chemicas but the land owner maybe collect all.
this can push landowners upgrade their altars.
however if increase the spillover persentage rather than smaller the hot zone, there will be one bug: some bots will surround the high level altars and wait, every 1-2 hours channeled. the bots will collect the alchemicas if the spill over quality is enough for one bot’s profit.
for example, if hot zone size no changed and spill over persentage increased, finally at level 9, one channel, there will be $20 alchemicas spill over into the hotzone. I will let my bot wait at this altar and every one hour (channel time), my bot can collect one time, if I only collect 10% alchemica, I can get 2USD/hour, one day I can get over 30USD by using one bot.
so now we need to let the spill over to hotzone as small amount of alchemicas as possible, for example only $1, the bot may get very small amount of alchemicas, and it is not profitable, so no bot wait there. at the same time we need to smaller the hotzone size so land owner can collect all and willing to upgrade their altars.
The spillage from everything, should be on a curve. Adjusting the curve as needed, for gameplay reasons, should be expected. It’s no different than tuning how weapons/armour/AP/attack speed interact, to make PVP be fun.
Since we already have spillover turned off, maybe we wait like a week or two and just implement this as a test… Update the Hot zone radius as described for a week and see how it goes… Turn it off for another week and test another range…
Maybe that is a useful strategy during Alpha, just test run different variations on the mechanisms to see if we can get to a more desirable outcome…
I guess we would need to set some KPI’s to see if its helping or not… I’m personally not a fan of anecdotal evidence.
This man is clearly a man of science - I like it!
100% agree.
We are learning little about antibot measures by switching off spill over so it’s important to use the weekly hangout events as test grounds for ongoing development to tweak and test game play mechanics that have been proposed.
We should have a schedule of what is being analysed and tested in each upcoming weekly hangout event
wk1 - tighten the spill over radius 1st hr, change spill over amounts 2nd hr
wk2 - enable WL owners to limit number of gotchi rentals per address
wk3 - WL only rentals
wk4 - stress test harvesting/reservoir emptying
wk5 - stress test building waalls/estaates
wk6 - stress test impact of BRS & wearable traits
In between the events it would be great to get stuff like moving installations and tiles up and running.
Yeah, if we are shuttting things down in any way, we should always go straight into test and measure mode. No sig props for testing, please, just try stuff, and see what happens.
Do I need to make a sig prop saying, that if we pause the game, the default thing we do, is to enter test and measure mode?
No, it’s not necessary
Also WK1 - Everyone test bot traps on their parcels, using decorations.
I’m offering a common GM, to whomever can take a screenshot with the most trapped bots, during the hangout.
I fully support this idea. Moreover, when Metaguild was preparing for the initial launch, we spent a lot of time thinking and planning our coordination around picking up spilled Alchemica. But it turned out that it doesn’t make any sense with the current spillover parameters.
I think that concentrating spillover in the channeling point will benefit gameplay and the social interaction of players. Tha change adds complexity and strategy to the game: channeling will be planned, and competitors can hunt it!
Not even sure how to respond to this. I mentioned several times in Gotchiverse bugs that I don’t even see noticeable spillover when I channel. After many attempts to channel and do some outwardly expanding laps around my parcel I finally concluded that the spillover function was not working correctly and stopped even looking for it. No difference when I hunt immediately or wait 3-5 minutes. I don’t know if my experience is unique as I don’t see anyone else reporting the problem. I would support the proposal to concentrate more spill in the hot zone if I actually found alch there.
i think you’re confusing USD and Alchemica figures. the numbers in Moon’s graphic aren’t $USD amounts, they’re alchemica amounts.
at L1 Aaltar, there’s 12.73 FUD in the hot zone and 42.43 FUD in the spillover radius. at current prices, this is $0.09 in the hot zone and ~$0.29 in the spillover radius.
at L9 Aaltar, there’s 5.94 FUD in the hot zone and 8.49 FUD in the spillover radius. at current prices, this is ~$0.04 in the hot zone and ~$0.06 in the spillover radius.