2023 Spain/Portugal Bicycle Adventure Lap - 35-45 days - Sponsorship/Partnership

What you do and who you bring with you on your trip is not the issue here

The issue here is you made a “partnership” thread asking for funding for said extras in your bicycle movie

You really think I think that? Wow

You are free to do what ever you feel like to have fun
Bring your whole village with you if you want

DAO paying for the extra friends for you to have fun is another story

Is it that hard to understand?

Try read the title of the thread you wrote:

2023 Spain/Portugal Bicycle Adventure Lap - 35-45 days - Sponsorship/Partnership

You did ask for payment for said extra friends (3) when you clearly stated the trip is still a go with a single friend (1)

Each person you add on cost the DAO extra $1250

tldr; Who you bring on your trip is one thing.
Billing the dao for the extra personnel for your own entertainment is another story

I guess the proper technical term for this is travel companion / travel buddy for $1250 paid for by the dao

I think it would be better if I won’t comment on ur negativity here as I clearly do not understand it but:

We are going on a journey and we are doing to post it daily on our media like we already DID IT 3 times that led us to be on TV and that led us to have whole trips sponsored by followers/people and projects without having official partnerships. Each time we did it in groups, only one of my trips was SOLO. Our main goal is to have fun and to break our own borders while motivating others to live more. Our main goal is not to get a partnership and that’s why I do not understand ur approach saying about buddy expenses I won’t say to my friends hey u are not going cuz DAO told me so. The main goal is trip itself and my own social video content which will land on socials anyway, that if any project wants to cooperate with us before we start, or after we start and already we will have many eyes on us, depends only on the project and it is a bonus for us, not a goal. If we are not going to have any official partnership before we start we are going to have many single one times offers without asking to market things through our trip so that also fits us. We are anyway speaking about something that already is explained and further, should be more positive for you if $ the outcome is so much important here.

Additionally, I think a 30$ daily payment per person, per 40-45 day marketing deal is kinda hilarious to count, and since I wouldn’t describe it as u did, if u like the details so much that’s 1.25$ per hour

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Out of context calculation / comparison

It was clear stated as expense for food / transport as per Network_Hustler (OP)

Its like going to a restaurant and comment on the cost of the bill base on how long you spent in the restaurant

I think that works only for buffet

But to be positive, I suggest you order some A5 Wagyu to bring up the $ / hour. $1.25/hour does seem a bit low

In a dollar store, thing cost as low as a dollar.
Doesn’t mean you should buy everything

If cat food goes on sale for $0.01, I got no cat…

One thing for sure, you just promoted yourself in a positive light with this thread / your responses

There is a certain Travel related NFT project looking for ambassador.

I think it fits what your doing very well.

t r * p . c o m

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Negativity? Yea, get use to it. Its call negative feedback / constructive criticism

Yea, I can see you don’t understand whats the issue here

Let me exaggerate it for you to understand

You could had a bicycle trip with 2000 friends charging 1250$ per friend you tag along costing $2,500,000

1999 friend suddenly decide not to go and it turns out the trip / marketing campaign is still a go

costing $2,498,750 less

In another word, you charged the DAO $2,500,000 for what could be accomplished with $2500


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Noone should have to put up with this over an offer this small.

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That like going to the bar and complain there is alcohol

You create a DAO thread then you should accept the possibility of negative feedback

Just like how I always have to dealt with your feedback on every thread I made

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Clearly you missing the point

The dollar amount isn’t the issue here

Sir, I have to put up with you for all the threads I made

My threads ask for $0 in funding

:joy: oof

Ohh, I think I get you, but even if I again read that I need only 30$ daily for whole efforts I am going to do, I still think it is low, literally making the videos and uploading them daily take like 2-3 hours at least, but I do understand your thoughts, and to be honest I am not trying to sneak as much possible friends as I can, I was happy that 3 of them will go with me because it is really hard to find anyone for journey like that, but sadly they got scared off and thats the only reason team is smaller, my main thoughts are just it is much easier and interesting to do video content in group, rather where there is only 1 person speaking to camera, it is more action when there is atleast duo of friends.

But, yea I still get you, just thought it is cool idea to pump our bags all together with my videos, boosting uploaded content which will then automatically bring more eyes to the official partner project (or the project I am actually talking about in the videos).

Actually thanks for that, I didn’t knew about this and for real this might be helpful, but are you talking about that big player I am thinking about? Like they are not basing on NFT, but real services right? Would appreciate if you can DM me.

Sorry since I am not a native English speaker sometimes I overread emotions included in text, and yes thanks for that feedback I appreciate that, there should always be some of it so I can work to be better.

And we can not find agreement here, because the example case you described, wouldn’t ever happen and I didn’t even think about it, why I would take DAO money if my friends wouldn’t go? Never thought about this, if I would get any money from DAO and it would turn I got too much, I would immediately give it back in any of the cases happening.

I also do not have any problem for doing this all just by agreeing only on “verbal deal” so DAO would pay the expenses after I actually finish the trip.

So the issue is overbilling, which won’t happen because I do not need nothing before I start, nor even in the middle of the trip. I do not need nothing in advance, I am just trying to get help over my thing and to leverage it as this things are not commonly seen and this is one in a time opportunity to connect web3 with trip like that, how many people u see leaving home for 40 days sleeping in tents?

Not too many, and I already did it many times, actually recording it etc, so if I already have experience in journeys like that and because of that I actually know what a big opportunity they are, I do not want to put it onto waste and not make any usage from it neither for me or others.

I know how big leverage is the trip and content at all so I want to use it properly on the main project I love most.

I will push it with marketing into aavegotchi team, whatever of the decision outcome because I simply love the project and community, but if DAO can pay our food expenses from the trip and we can do it officially under aavegotchi wing I think this will blow up even higher and with much more power.

I am not trying to profit of this, I asked only for the minimum, it is hard to ask less than only food expenses.

I would love that it would be aavegotchi because in my eyes this project and community fits it, and doesnt depending on the outcome, I have already created a fakegotchi art which I will be selling through my journey and try to promote aavegotchi with it.

I will put the art into the queue tomorrow but till now I have even decorated my whole realm so it will play as a marketing billboard for my nft fakegotchi art.

So once again, I think the expenses I asked for weren’t so high comparing to the things I am going to give in back, because clearly I do not look to profit over it, only to stop worrying bout food being on the way, and to gain quality partnership which will hel me and I will help them.

This is currently my realm 8144:

bruh…your parcel neighbour is famous around here

I already been to your parcel before you posted that

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You can just make the prop
(which I already suggest before)

You don’t need to waste a fakegotchi card or go thru PC

People make DAO thread.
Discussion happens.
Prop is made, DAO votes on it
It is a normal process

If you made a DAO thread and expecting only supporting message than you should lower your expectation

*You will need to get WL to post on snapshot
Ask around the discord channel if you need help posting it

P.S. DAO discussion thread is not always a good indicator of how the voting outcome will pan out


I really like your idea tho


Thanks reset, it is all okay, even negative/not positive feedback is respected and needed so thank you for your comments, I understood what you wanted to say and thanks for all the advices I will actually try to make the DAO vote today.

Wish best all of you commenting here and thanks for motivating me even more, I love you all!

I have already created the art so I will additionally go with this too, but my main goal will be to bring people outside the Aavegotchi ecosystem to buy the Fakegotchi art, not the currently involved ones so it will be good free marketing from my side, doesn’t varying on the dao vote outcome, it is already planned and I think people will like it, it will be my first ever nft launched so I’m kinda hyped about that too.

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I like your idea and also that you will carry it forward whether you get financed or not.

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Can someone actually help me make a DAO Vote? I’m not allowed to, time is actually running for me to be honest and I can’t find no one able help me or know personally no one who could. Thought I know but seems they were strip out of DAO whitelist and it is next obstacle on my road, thought doing it alone will be enough one :sweat_smile: