2023 Spain/Portugal Bicycle Adventure Lap - 35-45 days - Sponsorship/Partnership

I love the spirit and the energy. I appreciate that you went for it and put your heart in it. Not sure how to measure what it could be worth exactly to the protocol but you don’t ask for much and it’s good visibility. You are clearlly gotchigang and not just a cash grab, I am happy to support your initiative. I hope you have a good trip either way

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Overall, I think this is a fun and engaging way to market Aavegotchi as well as support our frens. I read the proposal and maybe I just missed it but what is the exact amount that you are asking for if I click yes, fund?

This seems similar in concept to the ghst ship proposal and I was very much in support of that. I think for what it is you are asking, whether it is $1250 in ghst for the one person or even $2500 in ghst for 2 people, the funds would be well worth it if you were to represent the brand well.

On the flip side, I am personally unfamiliar with your name in the community or your existing web/irl persona so I could see how people may be reluctant to put up funds without knowing who is representing the brand and if you will do it well. I do think it would be beneficial for you to speak at the Saturday hangout to hear your goals and “meet” you a little bit.

If you haven’t yet reach out to Hefe to see if you can set some time aside for you on the dao call.

Other than that, if I can get clarity on the exact ask in $, I would be ready to hit yes.

I did review the proposal again and I see the funding request is a total of 1700-1800 based on the 44 day travel.
Would it be safe to assume $1800 would be the final number for payout?


Didn’t know the DAO care about details given the amount of supporting comment without said info:




  • said google, probably
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Here is a reference requirement for trip.com’s NFT project


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This is just what google told me … don’t take it too seriously ! (you know me…I like making jokes)

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No question this is something the DAO should get behind. Your ask is also very reasonable.

Would you like some space on the DAO call tomorrow?

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Sorry y’all for such long respond but I was actually busy in Spain as I will start in 2 days. (Again because already broke my bike so it plays on our hand haha.

And yes that what reset put here is me - zmotykanaslonce is our polish adventure project, ice spice is my twitter account (1/1 kawamii nft ice spice - this pfp alone gave me more than 3000 followers and made me kind of OG on milady/remilia/kawamii ecosystem.

Kawamiis are the “gamers” remilios :slight_smile:

I am answering on my phone so can’t use forum properly like I am used to but answering to question above - yes, I think that 1800$ is totally enough, once again I am not trying to extort gotchi frens as I have my own other ways to earn money online and using trip as leverage.

I already started talking to many web3 friens about my trip and that aavegotchi thinks to work together and I see big chance to bringing them in only after mentioning that, I see it even more now as a good opportunity to show it for big web3 audience.

I also see that dao vote is going kinda head to head which is exciting and stressfull at all, but didn’t i set my quorum too high?

Would appreciate also to think why some bigger aavegotchi players are voting 100% now, not because I want to concince them (everyone has his free will) but to learn on future what I could do better and what I am doing wrong.

Wish best all of you always!

Ohh, so sadly, not for me.

Quorum is fixed at 9M. It is not set by individuals
It will reach quorum when gotchivault votes

If they wanted to say something.
They would had done so already on this thread.

Sounds to me you only care about what bigger player thinks

But you are correct, 11K vlt can easily decide the vote on its own

I don’t think you need to worry about what you could do better since its gonna pass anyways

  • The guy who made a team of 8 and delivered nothing still got funded on a subsequent prop.

  • A partnership charged 2K fees to deliver 1K of nft / crypto prize is still around and loved by everyone

The list is quite long…I skip you the long read


(I told you discussion is not necessary a good indicator of the voting outcome)

Here is a hint




Thank you my fren, I still cant catch if you are approaching me with kindndss like a fren or with a little of bitter to me. Anyway I appreciate discussing all together and appreciate u spending most time here, I listen what u say, I dont understand though your idea about me caring only bout “big players” but that was the votes which I have seen, werent checking them at all.

And do not worry about me not delivering, I already started marketing Aavegotchi and will do it more soon.

I am already in Spain, tomorrow my bicycle should be ready again because I have broken thing at first day haha.

Is there something I should do to start the Prop Core vote?

In plain English:

No one asked for any of your social
No one clicked on said social link afterward either

Pretty self explanatory

Lets just say its an inside joke I have with the dao using your thread

No worries, it will be done by someone automatically

Yea, tbh I still do not get what you want to say but all love. Maybe they didn’t checked socials because my idea about what i am doing is bullish alone :slight_smile:

Thanks anyway reset u are kinda strange but you are yourself and that’s why I like you.

I will try to be now more active in discord so we dont need to hold on this conversations here.

That sentence alone reflects poorly on dao

If anyone is interested in following our whole Aaveghostly journey here is the separate profile I created to post only aaveghostly journey content so it will be saved like in a journal. I got that idea when they suspended my account, when I will got it back I will shill all tweets from my main too - already got email from twitter and send them photo of ID so should be soon.


And here is also link to my NFT which I created and will promote outside to other NFT communities like Miladys or Sprotos because I have many friends inside there - got already like 28 willing to buy them. :slight_smile:

Number 19368 if I’m not wrong, named - Aaveghostly Latina Spin Dream.

Hope u will all like what I am creating and that vote will pass.

This is just a warm up, tommorow im starting even better videos with GO PRO 11 :slight_smile:

what a great thing really thank you for this

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Thank you fren appreciated, but I already lost hope that my vote will pass, looks like our frens were bullish only until core prop, who knows maybe I will wake up surprised but looks like not, from our whole community only literally like 1-3 people followed the account. Imma contiune my journey anyway so will be glad that u like it and I can motivate you, but prolly without official aavegotchi help. (Nobody is following the account so seems that reset was right here.)

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Getting the AavegotchiDAO to collectively vote to support your bicycle adventure is not the only to obtain Gotchigang support. There are many Gotchigangers who think it’s a good idea, but they are not the majority. The DAO is a primarily a political entity; the Gotchi community is much more than just the DAO.

You should consider doing what tburd.eth did to raise funds to for the Aavegotchi promotional sail for his charter boat. His proposal was also voted down. He auctioned off a limited number of NFTs to raise funds. The funds you are seeking are modest; I think you could easily raise the money that way. You might want to modify your NFT art to make it more of event memento; for instance by mentioning Iberia.

Many years ago I did a bicycle fundraiser ride for HIV/AIDS, riding 750 miles from San Francisco to Los Angeles, through the mountains and coasts of California. I had to raise a minimum of $2,500 funds from individual donors to qualify for matching sponsor donations. I raised that money $25 to $100 per donor. The effort to raise the money was equal to the time that I spent on training rides. I think you can do the same with an NFT auction.

You may want to consider aligning your Gotchi adventure bicycle challenge with a social cause or effort, such as climate change, racial discrimination, etc, to involve a larger community and make the challenge to be about something other than just your ride. That community can help promote your challenge and perhaps provide support and events along your route. Gotchigangers in Portugal, Spain and France can also support you.

Good luck

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