Airdrop restriction function gotchi to other NFT projects

Gotchi still has great user potential to tap. There are many ways for Web3 to expand users.

We airdrop the tour gotchi with tour function only, and give it to the active NFT address.

Tour Gotchi, which only has the function of sightseeing, cannot be traded, traded or picked up. Maybe the Tour function gotchi can build in land.
Maybe this is the way for us to quickly get all NFT users, and everyone comes in to play. Although this may have a little meaning of virus marketing, but Web3 is so free.This may be a feat.

It’s like an invitation ticket. But this ticket is a tour gotchi.

This is a good idea. The project side can consider that it will bring huge traffic and playability in the bear market

This is a good idea. The project side can consider that it will bring huge traffic and playability in the bear market