Just let everyone who had a failed TX send you the proof and send them the Aavegoghi they were promised by following all instructions.
I like your proposal, I wanna vote for you! Honeymoon for president!
I agree! happend to me too
would definitely be great to give every wallet with a failed transaction the opportunity to buy a portal.
Please do, I cant have got up at 4am for nothing. Well except for a common wizard hat haha.
I agree. how do we get proposals here actually voted on?
hello, i became also a fail notice for my buy portal.
2 times for 4 portals…
is anyone interested in working up a proposal that dictates that anyone who approved GHST but had a failed buy transaction can purchase a limited amount of portals?
yes how do we do this? first time participating in DAO
no idea, just keep posting the idea on the forums and it will gain traction.
This is a good proposal
it is not reasonable. I have several transactions, with one successful. do you want me(and other players/bots) to get even more?
yes? i just want one and not have to pay 5x the price.
definitly don’t agree. even that I will have more gotchi.
Agreed it would be great if everyone with a failed transaction got a portal if they didn’t get one in the initial haunt or at least had the opportunity to get one that wouldn’t be taken within seconds of them. I had a failed transactions as did many people it seems. I get crypto world is first come first serve but seems like giving everyone the opportunity to get at least one gotchi would be good without the hesitation of thinking someone else will buy it. I’m putting my failed transaction on the block explorer below just to see if anyone else had this same result.
Love this community! Polygon and aavegotchi staking is the future!
полностью поддерживаю без права участвовать тем у кого были успешные транзакции
The details of the launch were voted on… we could have just done 1 gotchi 1 wallet but we didn’t. I don’t think the solution is to devalue the gotchis we already have in response and sets a terrible precedent.
If everyone is given the opportunity to buy a portal next time, for whom it failed this time, then they would win back a great many players. I have a feeling that otherwise half of the people who believed in Aavagochi will be lost.
If something like this ISN’T done, then all the early adopters who got shafted will lose any joy they had in interacting with the system, full stop.
Yeah I was trying to get 5, I ended up getting two from the baazaar @ 1k each. I think we should do another haunt the same way, except this time inform everyone that they need to bid higher on the gas fees.