Decentralization shouldn't aid Racism

there is one race. the human race. when aliens come and try to concur us, then we will realize our likeness and not our unlikeness. then you will be saying “them MF green bloods, let’s kill them all”. if you don’t think that is possible… look up in the sky at night.

tin foil hat time!!!


You’re off your meds mate, but then again you shouldn’t trust big pharma… lol

the only logical conclusion to the thread.

and that is all. everyone. finished.

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I’m from a multicultural area and 90% of my friends are none white. My son is mixed race but I’m still of the opinion that if we are going for 0 censorship we should have 0 censorship.

You’re going to get offensive names, it comes with the territory. I don’t want rules and regulations put on things I do because other people want to test limits.

Leave it as it is, if you’re that sensitive to it I’d advice not being involved with a project that’s anti censorship and pro decentralisation. You’re in the wrong place, crypto isn’t advertised as a “safe space” and I wouldn’t want it to be either.

Educate your children and teach them with correct morals, decentralisation does highlight the issues of racist and prejudice but those issues are deep seated and already exist in society. All censorship does is covers over these issues pretending everything is fine; The person who named his aavegotchi this is still apart of someones community and his views are still very much the same.

What annoys me the most is middle class 40+ white men banning things like the N word because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Gtfo of here with that.

Censorship does nothing but cover over the problem. F**k censorship… pun intended.


I mean it makes knowing if a name is real or fake a little difficult cuz people cuz just use stars. I think the best option is having a disclaimer telling people to man up and not act like little girls lol. Wtf is wrong with this world.


I am very opposed to any form of censorship. It’s a slippery slope.


Very soon we’ll be adding a “Hide offensive words” toggle that will be “On” by default. You’ll be able to go to your /settings page and turn it off.

The absolute last thing we need as a new project is for some random media outlet to peg Aavegotchi as a white supremacist alt-right free speech platform, lol. Having the N word and other extremely offensive terms floating around next to adorable pixelated is not a good look.

Also please note that the names are not being hidden in the smart contract. So anyone is free to create an alternate UI to display names without hiding offensive or vulgar terms.


I’m an African-American that grew up during the civil rights movement, suffered plenty of racial discrimination, seen the effects of ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia, the disenfranchisement of Palestinians, the vestiges of colonialism in the Caribbean, all manner of human pettiness, depravity and selfishness. Aavegotchi is microcosm of the “real” world and will inevitably attract the best and the worst of humanity.

Cryptocurrency by design is permissionless and censorship-resistant from a transactional perspective. The blockchain enforces this. But how you transact business is distinct from who you do business with. That is a choice. If some Gotchi citizens want to employ denigrating and racists names or espouse dehumanizing ideas or memes for whatever reason - for fun, for greed, as a means of personal expression - it is counterproductive to try to control or legislate their behavior. As Jung said, you get what you resist.

But you don’t have to business with them on the Baazaar, play in games that they join, etc., and if you can filter out their vile then you can prevent them from polluting your Aavegotchi experience. Such people may cluster together in cliques that share their disdain for civility, their lack of empathy and their embrace of prejudice. As long as there are unenlightened human beings there will always be a market for racist and discriminatory stuff, including Gotchis.

I am gladdened by the visceral reaction of so many Gotchi citizens who expressed their disgust and anguish at the injection of this all-too-human invective into our ecosystem. But I also agree with many that trying to suppress it would be largely ineffective and could do more harm than good. Folks that engage in such behavior are either clueless or actually want to get a rise out of you, to feed on your emotional energy like psychic vampires. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Interact with decent, humane, like-minded Gotchi citizens and leave these pariahs to their own devices.


while i think its dumb i also have to agree with your stance. Im white so im sure someone these days would say i shouldnt be allowed to have an opinion on this… but from a philosophical perspective… you either allow this stuff, however offensive or in bad taste, or you go into basically this perpetual gray area where theres no hard lines drawn on what should and shouldnt be allowed. It leads to a constant debate about what is considered offensive and what isnt. You basically have people constantly arguing over a subjective matter, where there really is no clear answers. This type of perpetual debate over offensiveness and what should/shouldnt be banned is just as toxic, if not more toxic, than the profanity/racism itself… although ironically that in itself is debatable.

just my two satoshis

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I totally agree :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Decentralisation is all about FREEDOM. With freedom comes responsibility. I don’t want to control others or be controlled myself, it’s my choice to be offended. How about if you find a gotchi with a distasteful name you choose not to associate with it? and hopefully nobody buys it in the market and the owner feels like an idiot ? Besides that, freedom is free and censoring leads to tyranny end of story

So in a rap video (if they are Black), they can say this ‘magic offensive word’ 1000 times, but if an ‘internet Ghost’ that barely anyone sees uses the word it’s a really big problem… yeah ok. What if the Gotchi owner is Black ? I wonder if that changes naive, weak, White liberals minds…

But to me it basically seems fair to censor names in the UI. If you want to have all names showing then you can set up your own website. There, problem solved…

Cancel culture should end. Everyone is entitled to say whatever they want even if it is offensive because that’s what free speech means. Individual responsibility is assumed in democratic systems as well as in a decentralised platform like this

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Well this conversation went off on a bit of a tangent haha, but in case the OP is interested, we recently implemented a toggle in the /settings page that lets you view the names without any filter!

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Decentralisation isn’t about freedom, its about a more fair distribution of power and authority. That doesn’t mean you go do what you want, whatever it costs to someone else, that’s neoliberalism. It means you are held accountable by your fellow citizen not some authoritarian power.

If we use the DAO to make decisions, it could only become tyranny if certain people had far more voting power. Otherwise it’s pretty transparent democracy.

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Toggle was added, I’ve closed this thread.