Deflationary closed portals

Proposal: You could keep your vanilla portal which won’t be worth much or you could willingly engage in a method to level up your portal with the only downside being that it resets in level. This level could grand you kinship, xp and higher chances for a good BRS in order to keep up with the meta. As well as other special things.
You level up your portals and each month if you didn’t keep your portal above an acceptable level it resets back to its initial state so you have to work for that high level portal.
We can make it much more forceful by outright destroying the portals for not participating in portal leveling up and having your portal destroyed because you’re in the last 10% of the lowest scores at the end of the month. Only 10% of 3000 remain. This can continue to 1%, 0.1% 0.01% every 6 months.

Closed portals are lowering in price because: closed portal gotchis are far behind in kinship and XP, only BRS 540+ gotchis are competitive. The more higher BRS gotchis are discovered the less the previously high-ranked BRS gotchis are worth.
The most simple way to improve their price long term is to keep them up to speed with the meta or giving them something unique when opened.
However they need to be deflationary so players cannot hang onto 3000 portals and open them in 2025 and they automatically get three thousand 600 BRS gotchis. We need to talk about what these portals should even give you if you hold onto them long term.

I want you to spitball as many ideas and methods as possible. There is no rush seeing as everyone plans to hold onto their portals.

There is a sizeable amount of people who parked their money not into aavegotchis, not the collateral neither the wearables or GHST token, but in closed portals. They said closed portals are the safest investment to appreciate in value long term just like bitcoin and ethereum, unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the case.

In Pokemon first edition packs you always got a guaranteed 1 holographic card between the 10 cards you got. The differing factor between each holographic card was that you could get the most common Pokemon like Machamp compared to Charizard and said card wouldn’t even rank high production quality wise when rated by experts because of offcentering and other bad errors during factory production.

In order to balance the perks of keeping your portals closed we need to come up with an unbottable deflationary system for them.
You could keep your vanilla portal which won’t be worth much or you could willingly engage in a method to level up your portal with the only downside being that it resets in level. This level could grand you kinship, xp and higher chances for a good BRS.
You level up your portals and each month if you didn’t keep your portal above an acceptable level it resets back to its initial state.
We can make it much more forceful by outright destroying the portals for not participating in portal leveling up and having your portal destroyed because you’re in the last 10% of the lowest scores at the end of the month. Only 10% of 3000 remain. This can continue to 1%, 0.1% 0.01% every 6 months.

As for open portals we could apply the same deflationary principles. At the moment people are keeping their open portals so they have 10 gotchis to choose from and they’ll only pick them when the minigames meta changes and suddenly their 474 BRS gotchi with two 0 or 99 trait is worth something.

portals are still 6 or 7x times their listing value. i dont think incentives are needed


Oh no, my investment dropped from 10x profits to 7x times the profits. Time to panic. Portals are fine.


That is correct at most they will never be sold for less than they were bought for as XP potions and lvl 1 aavegotchis proved that investors simply refuse to sell below what they bought. However there are a lot of people buying and planning on holding tight onto closed portals thinking they will naturally appreciate in value and not just 1000 ghst, they were expecting 2000 ghst in the first month and at least 10,000 ghst sometime next year or right when we can list closed portals on OpenSea.
This is a popular subject among closed portal holders who were hoping closed portals are going to be the safest NFT to hold in Aavegotchi, even more than mythical wearables.

I’ve predicted this since the open portals vs the closed portals and I’ve already sold all my portals at a relatively high price due to stagnation because the prices will only keep going down as more portals become available to allow more chances at an aavegotchi to reach a perfect score of 600. Eventually gotchis under 550BRS be worth less than a closed portal. Even if new buyers come if they see how many portals they have to open till they finally get a 560+ gotchi they won’t accept buying a closed portal for anything above 1000 ghst when they can just buy right now a 539 BRS gotchi for 1400 GHST and in the future for under 1000 GHST.


Since when do we care what speculators think and not what the free market decides? We are still in Season one, 1,5 month after release. Among most blockchain projects, Aavegotchi has been extremely profitable. I got a tx error during the portal sale and had to buy from the market, and still made fantastic profits. Also you and many others are assuming BRS is the endgame, which is wrong. The moment ARS and minigames come out, the gotchi “rarity” standard will drastically change.

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I don’t see any need to artificially increase the value of closed portals. Scalping and HODLing closed portals should not be incentivised.


Once again a complete lack of users posting compared to the 2500-10000 people on Discord and a 180 degree from what was said in the Discord because the members that were complaining about closed portals in the first place are not posting on the forum.

If I make a well detailed proposal now you’ll be seeing a bunch of people vote “pro” compared to the forums where they are nowhere to be seen, this is getting tiresome.
I have another thread+proposal where 10/11 members said yes in the forum, but in the proposal initially out of nowhere some whales and more than 50% voted to abstain. Other projects like Mirror.Protocol have a much more active userbase on their forums.

Stop, what?
I was reading like, ok, cool, that guys seem talking great, ok, eh, what? You want to destroy my portal that i pay ANY money for that?
You want to destroy the open market price discovery?
I’m cool with the idea of giving the portals holders benefits. First and most real woith some sense, is portals are gaining xp, when portal is opened xp\10, cuz we have 10 gotchis inside, that way portals are on the track + active users and voters and stuff will be in benefit, but the guys who just aply longed into the portals, will get benefits only from specs.
I will like your idea to be implemented only on haaunt 2.
Haaunt 1 have BGs bro.