Display Gotchi's age

It would be great if the Gotchi’s age would also be displayed; not just Level and Kinship. What do you guys think?


I agree here. Having a distinction of Haunt 1 and the age of the Gotchi will also separate the gotchis that basically sits in portals for years


Yeah, I agree as well, i think it would be a neat feature that benefits those who arn’t here to stock pile unopened portals and also adds a personal touch to each Aavegotchi, its one thing having individual names and traits but to have something that the user actually controls such as when they summoned their respective Aavegotchi is a really great idea.

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I often wondered about this from the start if it would be implemented off-the-hop or a metric to be added on later. Either way, it is a good idea (or at least a Genesis batch demarcation).


Age would be from the date coming out of the portal?

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Yes, that is correct.

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That would be a good idea

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It is a good idea :grinning:

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sick brother!
much needed for the gotchi gang

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It could be a nice thing :love_you_gesture:

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i feel like if thats the case! we should be able to celebrate our gotchis birthdays!


Haha… I really like the sound of celebrating birthdays.


I think this is a fun idea, and wouldn’t require any modifications to the smart contract! We can look into getting this implemented on the frontend.