For those that managed to snag one of those incredibly rare portals, and for those of us that went into the bazaar and paid a premium to join the Haunt 1 club, I’m incredibly bummed out to find that the summoned Gotchi’s do not retain their portal “serial number”.
I propose an update be made that will let all Gotchi’s retain their portal numbers. This mechanism is commonplace in other games and allows for certain numbers, (early, funny, even, etc) to have their own unique value and identifier.
As of right now, having portal 1 may be more valuable than having any Gotchi from portal 1, and I do not like that. We need to encourage all Gotchi’s be summoned and enjoying their life among frens.
I agree, with some questions (I say this as the owner of a handful of Gotchis from Launch 1). I think the dev team was trying to avoid the rarity effect of having a First-Haunt portal number entirely. Not their fault if people decided to chase it anyway. But part of the fun of NFTs is knowing the provenance: when minted, who owned when, etc. Listed Aavegotchis on the Baazaar, though, show at least the Gotchi’s haunt number. So the system knows. Might as well have original portal number as well as haunt appear both on Baazaar listings and in the Aavegotchi page.
i agree as well. Does anyone know if there is a time limit to opening portals? Can’t seem to find an answer. Also, to your point if I wait to open portals when i finally do will they still produce haunt 1 gotchis or how will that work?
Portal numbers are displayed on your gotchi in the URL. it will read ####
the number section is the portal number your gotchi came from