Gotchiboard Alchemica Competition

Still not 100% following, can you make an example with an actual scenario and numbers?

With the collaborating, it’s not like you can spend the alchemica instantly. If current #1 and #2 soft play each other, a 3rd party could come in before the top multiplier time ends and beat them both without time to reply. Remember you have to upgrade, wait for transactions to finish then make the next upgrade.

Do you have numbers on stockpiles? What are we looking at for saved alchemica? Specifically, did you look at what the largest lp + hodl positions are and see if they are in the same guilds? If someone has double what anyone else has, it will be easy to take 1st, 20th, 19th…

Also, you dont have to touch 1st to make the tail longer. I agree that a killer 1st prize is nessesary. However, I disagree that 20 is sufficient to get more than the top 5% to participate.

Ignoring the 20 to 100k bags is a pattern we should stop replicating.


Sorry i just dont get it, I maybe missing something. You have $10k of alchemica, you’ve spent 9k and you’re in 1st place with 2 hours of the round left. Do you try and sybil 20th place for an extra 200 ghst or do you put the extra 1k in to securing your 5k ghst 1st place?

You act like itll be close…

If I have 20k worth of alch, and the next guy spent 9, ima mop up. Your time argument is silly… if the bottom is about a grand, just flip two l8 altars to l9 and you got a 25% off coupon.

Do you know the spread or not? Are you making a bunch of assumptions based on how you would market to yourself?

Numerous people that build a lot themselves have indicated that they dont see a place for themselves in the contest. This means they intend to dump. This means you’re essentially designing this to suit you and its fine if everyone but 20 people dump, as you still get a prize and you paid less for it.

You could pull a lot more people in if there was 100 ghst in spots 21 to 40, and that would put upward pressure on 20 to 10, and so forth.


I want to have a constructive discussion but the hostility and accusations make it impossible.

Deciphering through all that i think what your saying is that you think the competition will have a better ROI in terms of alchemica spent if we add 8k to the prizepool and pay 21-40 100 ghst each?

No, just pull 4k from 2-20, and you have 100 each for 21-40

I’ll assume from your redirect that you do not in fact know the answers to my questions.

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Thanks for the reply! If I had $10k of Alchemica, I personally would gun for a good spot early (round 1 day 1), and decrease the incentive for beating me b/c it’d cost me $10k in alchemica, whereas the later days have lower weights so it increases the cost of attacks.

While GLTR is implicit, its slide is way worse than other alchemica prices. I guess it’s unnecessary for this competition to address but we probably need more gltr sinks outside of this.

I applaud you for a.) Creating the sigprop and b.) engaging in this dialogue with the dao.


Per Dueceharts FOMO idea…

RNG week. Roll the % every day.

This will keep the outcome up in the air and be a lot more like a poker game.

I can tell this works because it stresses me out to think of potential outcomes. Almost any daily result makes me feel either obligated to spend, save, or both.


Thank you fren.

I expect a huge amount of gltr to be spent in the competition. How else are you to get those level 9s? :wink:

In terms of your strategy, what if everyone is thinking the same thing?

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Lol that’s fine with me, I don’t plan to gun for the top 20 spots :smiley:

No one is talking about maximizing the ROI. We are all just trying to make the competition something all players can compete in.

You keep mentioning that this is the first competition and we can change things later. Well shouldnt we start with giving out small bags to a lot of people then get more competitive in future comps? Giving only to the top 20 in the first go just irreversibly widens the wealth gap.

Make it fun for everyone and the game will have a long lifespan. Squeeze the project too hard now and it will die before we get off the ground


I created this competition with a specific purpose - to boost alchemica and GLTR spending. I hope for it to be fun and entertaining as well for those that compete but ROI on the GHST invested is the primary objective. I don’t understand why the expectation and duty has fell to me to provide stimmies and “lower the wealth gap”.

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I, like many others i would hope, am not looking for you to “fix” anything. Its was your idea to provide “stimmies” to the largest spenders with this competition and we are just asking to extend it so more players would benefit. I sincerely hope that you are not taking anything i have said as a knock against your work because i do see why you would want to target them being it would indeed be a clearer route to your envisioned ROI. We already have many players saying that they are not even going to try to participate because they already know that they will never be able to place in the top 20. Yes i know there will be a lottery chance for everyone that spends but that does not seem to be enough of a motivating factor like a leaderboard spot would be.


That’s the whole point though, it’s not stimmies, you have to earn it by sinking a large amount of alchemica and ranking on the leaderboard. If you don’t have the funds to compete then team up with a guild, spend what you can and hope for a raffle prize or just sit it out. Not every event has to be for everyone, I for example am not artistic what so ever so all the art and decoration competitions don’t apply to me at all, and that’s fine, I just sit it out, I don’t start moaning to Pixelcraft. I’ve said many times, if people want to start a prop for an Alchemica spending season 2 after season 1 with a flat and long prize structure then go ahead, I won’t participate but I will do the dev work on Gotchiboard to make it happen.

LOL so why did you call it a “stimmie” when people ask for a longer tail? Will players also not earn their spots by spending alchemica? As i have said before, if the DAO was not involved with providing the funding for the competition there would be IMO zero pushback. Just like you, I did not participate in any of the decoration competition. In my case, i just decided that using the alchemica/GHST was better spent on upgrading installations. I hope that you do stay as active as you have been and that you continue to keep the project pointed in the right direction.

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It is clear what Marks objectives are. The good and bad thing is that we dont actually have to convince him either way.

Only thing we can do as a DAO is make a proposal and vote with our wallets to ensure we get the game WE want to be a part of.


What do people think about canning the raffle and adding the GHST to the tail instead? I thought the raffle could be a cool idea but no one seems bothered about it.

We could also tweak the payouts by 5% and end up with something like this:

My concern is it’ll kill the competition for 20th place and incentivise sybilling more by removing some of the risk of going for lower spots.

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  • Continue with original payout structure and raffle
  • Remove raffle and use top 50 payout structure instead

0 voters

Here Mark, I fixed the poll for you. I agree with the raffle - probably no need for it during our first attempt. Might be fun in future comps though

How Long Should The Tail Be?

  • 20
  • 50
  • 100
  • 150
  • 200
  • 250

0 voters

  • Keep the raffle
  • Remove the raffle

0 voters

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If you do one of em like that, you have an experiment.

My personal reaction to one of the weeks being like that, would be that i build with 500 to 1k ghst(depends on when it launches) in alch instead of sell it. I think you probably only need to do one like that to wipe out the piles of the middle.

EDIT: i give up. conversation is not in good faith