Introduction of an Aging Mechanic for BRS

Yah you’re right about top 5, I was using Aavegotchistats and didn’t realize one of the h2 gotchis got leveled a bunch of times. Edited the original post.

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I somehow missed the previous debates. What are the existing H1 advantages for farming?

  • Higher possible basic XP earnings (rarity)
  • Higher possible Kinship, assuming summoned and consistently petted before H2 (kinship)
  • Earlier access to wearables (rarity)
  • Earlier access to potions (rarity, kinship)
  • Earlier access to gotchi sacrifices (“potions”) for XP (rarity)

Would you agree with these? Any others?


Gotchis don’t have access, people do. We don’t know when people will enter, but when they do they need consistency and predicability between haunts.

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Exp and kinship are separate leaderboards, and as actaeon mentions, time a person spends in the project should not somehow be considered an advantage for a haunt. Any benefit H1’s got from extra levels has been beyond wiped out by the BRS creep. So H1’s have no existing advantages at all, but are only at a significant disadvantage.


Yeah, I agree here.

kinship is often thrown around as an “advantage”, but kinship is a sacrifice, work, and investment.

To anyone who says “you have a kinship advantage”, I say, mess your sleep schedule and do something consistently for 6 months which has involved being on top of network/RPC issues etc, and then tell me again how advantaged I am.

Looking at someone’s kinship and calling it an advantage is no different than looking at someone’s salary after 2 weeks of work and complaining you don’t get a paycheck too without any work put in.


Doesn’t XP come with rarity bonuses, too, at certain levels? That’s what I was referring to.

Yes, 1 BRS point every 3 levels, and that is exactly what I was referring to: “Any benefit H1’s got from extra levels has been beyond wiped out by the BRS creep”

Ok, so the spreadsheet data doesn’t include the rarity bump from XP leveling, does it? If not, that would be good data to see for any claims of top 10 and top 5 being dominated by H2.

Nevertheless that “advantage”/“investment” is now owned by the gotchi and if it’s sold, goes to whoever owns the gotchi, who may not have put in that work.

It is effectively an existing aging-mechanism, that requires more work by the owner than the proposed mechanism, yes, but nonetheless exists.

Can you elaborate? You’re technically correct, yes, but the people who have earlier access are also the ones that (with no evidence to prove it, just guessing) tend to have affected, top 50 H1 gotchis.

It’s a fallacy to attach game mechanics decisions to who certain investors are and when they got in. When people look carefully at a project to invest in, the collectable/rarity element needs to be stable. Would you invest 500k in a house if you knew that sometime in the next 6 months there would be a subsidized housing program that splits the federal land across the street and adds cheaper but higher quality houses for sale on the new lots? The reason people will drop a million dollars on a mediocre house in a mediocre place in California is that land is tightly and predictably limited and construction costs only go up and up, so buyers can feel reasonably certain that they will make a profit mid- to long-term.

Yes, there are a couple thousand different stories of how and when people got into aavegotchi. Some lucky people bought at presale and won lots of mythical and godlike wearables in pre-launch raffles; I’m glad they were willing to fund pixelcraft to create aavegotchi, when it was just a whitepaper. The lucky people who bought at H1 all had a near immediate profit, whether they paid the base 100 ghst for 1-5 portals or the ape tax at 500 ghst or bought in the bazaar just after for 300-700. I’m glad all those lucky people created hype, built the gotchi economy, and started building minigames and dao functionality. The lucky people who bought at H2 got GBM auction earnings, vastly superior gotchis at cheaper prices, and portals at prices people had been asking for for months, all without any of the risk . The lucky people who buy at H3 may know the real $ value of kinship, have access to a greater supply of wearables, have free p2e right on the horizon, increased liquidity, and have a more consistent idea of RF earning. Why did (will) all of these people get “lucky” at each stage? Because they were by definition the only ones willing and able to pay for what was offered at those prices. It’s not like we’re hiding aavegotchi over here, artificially inflating prices to dump on dumb newbies. The revolutionary advantage of crypto is that it’s about as equal-opportunity as anything humans have ever created.

The thing is, each of the broad entry point stories I laid out has every combination of wealth, investment, and participation type among its members. They might hold any combination of GHST, H1 Gotchis, H2 Gotchis, H1 Portals, H2 Portals, Wearables, Raffle Tickets, LP tokens… They might participate in any combination of Flipping, GBM earning, DAO work, minigame development, social media presence, name speculation, BRS rarity farming, kinship, XP… So it doesn’t make any sense to say that H1 gotchis have an advantage, because it’s unhealthy for the entire economy ever to assume in order to justify a decision that we’re only hurting the Already Lucky People. No, it’s cannibalistic to think that way. We succeed or fail together, and the only enemies are people who want to sway things to the detriment of the project for an advantage for themselves.

If we want Aavegotchi to blow up and last, we have to make decisions as if we don’t know what type of players we are, or what type of players will consider buying into the project. The meta has to push people to do healthy things for the entire ecosystem longterm, not destructive things. And maybe the real core question is, do we want gotchis to be worth less and less in GHST terms? Or more and more? If it’s impossible to earn your money back on high end gotchis and wearables, we’re doomed to spiral to low (“accessible?”) prices. If a 465 BRS gotchi with a couple uncommon wearables is basically as fun and effective in the Realm as a 540+ with mythicals and earns about as much, and the supply of both increases greatly every year, where exactly is the funding going to come from?

Final point, and then I’ll end this wall of text. Of course many adjustments and outright new things will be introduced as this project develops. And those changes will change the meta to the advantage of some and pain of others. But–especially as a budding DAO–we can’t act like some parts of gotchigang are more important or luckier than others. We have to forget about envy and ask what will make a prime H1 or H2 gotchi $10M+ one day. Then we all win.


Where can I read more about the H2 bug? Was it by chance that H2 gotchis have higher BRS, was it in fact a bug in the code, or was it changed by design?

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It wasn’t a bug in H2 but rather H1. There was a problem in the code in which the low stat gotchis spawned at a much lower rarity than high stat ones. This bug caused for an overall shift in the BRS. Someone surely has the actual code from the H1 summoning process to share here.

So with the release of H2, the bug was fixed, so H2 and all future haunts will be on equal playing field.

This has been discussed extensively in the discord dao-discussion channel, as well as the H1 vs H2 analyses thread in this forum.

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No, it has not been shown to have caused an overall shift. If anything, an overall shift in BRS has been most strongly ruled out by analysis. Rather, the bug made high rare numbers twice as likely as low rare numbers in H1, with average BRS the same between the two haunts.

Can we get confirmation from the devs that the H1 and H2 summoning process was changed?

While I like the idea of this aging mechanism, we need to be careful about applying it retroactively especially since it can change the game, market prices, and RF results significantly.

The market already values H1 gotchis higher than H2 gotchis even without this proposed BRS boost.

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Gave some thought to the topics discussed on the hangout, I’m really starting to like the idea of not capping aging at 10, but just letting it run forever. We should include it as an option in the core prop.
Also think we should turn it on before the season starts, assuming it would be ready by then. Approx halfway thru season 2 H2s will be getting +3 BRS, so the effect will already be lessened as the season progresses.


I think this proposal is not necessary. The results could be due to chance. The latest portal auction just ended about a week ago.

When I entered this project I never understood that there would be any advantage given to H1 over H2. It was supposed to same rarity. Because there is a slight difference in the top 10 does not mean you should bump up the entire population of H1. Especially if the rest of the population has almost no difference, from what I have read less than 1 BRS difference in the mean and median.

Many financial transactions have already occurred based off the idea that there would be no further BRS adjustments as well for the upcoming BRS season. I think we should blame chance rather than put the community to a vote to choose H1 owners against H2 owners for the upcoming rarity farming season.

We should address dilution through more haunts with more opportunities for XP, item drops (without BRS), badges, achievements, and more. They should be planned and looked forward to, not a reaction to a ‘bug’. If there was no bug, we should not admit we had a bug.


Appreciate your response, but please reread the proposal. It’s for the aging mechanic, has nothing to do with boosting H1s. All haunts are boosted equally.

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If that was the case, then it would be implemented after this season of farming and before the next haunt. I believe the entire context of this proposal was to launch it before the next rarity farming to give H1 a boost.