In the above link, our dear devs have proposed launching H2, but with so many variables and big time constraints, the community was presented a bundled vote that resulted and wide and mixed reactions.
After a lot debate in the aforementioned thread, I started building on a model that could predict revenues and prices depending on certain factors such as (primarily) rewards signaling and allocation.
Our devs responded several times that as a community, we could present perhaps a better way forward and let the community decide via vote.
Alas, I decided to take on the challenge beyond arguing with words and really get to work with something I believe would better represent certain economic facts I hold very dear.
I decided to present this community something deeper than endless debate and through mathematical projections, illustrate the magic of certain concepts such as Smith’s invisible hand, and Jack Ma’s co-win.
The key points of what I propose:
-Increase proposed BRS payout from 60% of rewards to 75%
-Add 5% of revenues prior assigned to burn address, to reward pools permanently
-Because model shows that as reward potential grows so do prices, increasing total raffle amount from 20% to 25% (Consider this a regenesis factor- more free portals and wearables for those still left out of a gotchi even if prices climb)
-Because so many in the community feel there are no ways to get busy with rewards if they cant afford wearables, proposing a whopping 10% of reward pool for XP-Delta during Szn2. Also, I propose 600XP is earmarked to be distributed mainly via minigames throughout szn2, to finally address the complaints that people may never catch up to the Aragon voters. This large delta reward pool is very inviting to newcomers and those less liquid.
-Kinship rewards are lower than in original proposal, yet original proposal has a rookie kinship league. I propose a summoning kinship bonus for H2 instead, and only one kinship leaderboard. Kinship is a long term game of commitment, and the XP delta rewards proposed herein better address the concerns of inviting newcomers with rewards participation.
-Original XP leaderboard and reward pool would be lower, yet a high XP gotchi is going to indirectly benefit from the substantially greater BRS reward pool.
-“Regenesis” adjustments I propose here like delta XP leaderboard and a higher raffle ratio are to be seen as a way to address long standing issues and concerns in the community ever since H1 launch- so these measures would be assumed to not be back in place come a Season 3.
Because of the economic benefits of signaling higher rewards, this model even forecasts that Pixelcraft would get a minor boost to revenue from their original proposal, even after giving up certain funds to rewards and raffles.
I hope the community sees the wisdom of constructivism and co-win attitudes, and joins me with a “yes” to these adjustments to the H2 proposal, for which I had no better name than “the regenesis”.
I will not build a poll here, in this instance I will ask you to cast your vote directly in snapshot frens!