Introduction of an Aging Mechanic for BRS

Yes, depending on the timing of it it would give H1’s a very minor boost for season 2. However H2’s will already be getting BRS bonuses by then as well, so the effect will be extremely minor, especially as the season progresses. Take a look at the spreadsheet I posted above, even if it were to be implemented right now with H1’s getting +4 BRS, the effect on the BRS leaderboard is very small. And in the lower places the effect is not felt at all.


Bravo, brother! Bravo!
Your words spoken, looks like a mirror of all the pain and sadness that I was holding inside! Thank you for your time inputs and efforts in!
I would want to make it visible to everyone…

All of us have our own life, our own problems and tasks that we must to do.

Not all of us are able to find the time - (the time, the most expensive resource in our lives) to battle around the couches or even to speak out.
Some of us reading other people opinions, and I’m so thankful that we have great minds in our community, that can explain thing, clearly, even with wise, philosophical manner.

Thank you, GotchiGaangs
You guys, Rock! :muscle::full_moon::love_you_gesture:


so… advantage for H2 in szn2 AND in szn3 is what you propose… hmmm…
sure, go ahead and vote off your bias in snapshot.

Looking forward to results :slight_smile:

It’s clear you aren’t interested in a rational discussion. I’m trying to add to the discussion on why or why we shouldn’t do the proposal. I never proposed that.

But I would argue that if the proposal wasn’t written with the intention to boost H1, then it would occur after the upcoming rarity farming season.


When you are the one re-hashing arguments already presented and responded to in the thread, you are not adding to the discussion or being “rational”. That’s a form of disrespect to the posters above you.
When you choose to ignore the several instances where it has been made clear this proposal does not address or affect a bug which is further confirmed every passing day (check H1 vs H2 analyses thread), you are not being constructive or “rational”.

So far you have argued that if the proposal passes, it should be “timed” in a way that further alienates long time users (this time by ignoring their vote) for the sake of protecting investments made a couple of weeks ago. You clearly do not care about investments made 6 months ago, where it was also “assumed” broken BRS mechanics, nerfs, and unfair competitions wouldn’t be taking place.

You are trying to make it about the BRS nerf, and that issue has its own threads, posts and solutions.

This proposal is about a dynamic which Coderdan described in this week’s hangout as “Whitepaper-worthy”. The community is voting very positively to it, and it has nothing at all to do with the H1 nerf. But you do not seek to discuss the actual proposal or its dynamics. You are making divisive comments about fairness and about haunts which has more of a place in other/separate threads.

If you want to engage in “rational” discussion, then please discuss the actual aging dynamic.
If you want to argue in favor of keeping H1 nerfed, please go to a different thread.


Loving the discussion and rebuttals during the hangouts and I look forward to voting on a core prop for this one!

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My 2 cents on this topic:

I like the Idea of an aging mechanic and I like the way this particular solution benefits the long-term participants of the game while not changing the game mechanics permanently.

That said, I do not agree with implementation before the conclusion of season 2 rarity farming. I understand that the true impact of the mechanic to the leaderboard is minimal, but (and I say this as a day one portal opener myself) my #1 concern is adoption over pumping my own bags.

Applying a new mechanic that boosts the haunt 1 holders only weeks after we have welcomed so many new players through the haunt 2 launch and only weeks before the start of rarity farming season 2 will almost certainly not be perceived in a positive way by the majority of haunt 2 gotchigang .
Shoving this through before or even during season 2 has only one purpose: pump the bags of those who are already at an advantage. I am totally fine with this, but not at the expense of adoption and I am confident we will lose new gotchi holders.

Think about this scenario, day one of season 2 a new holder sees their brand new gotchi, slated for a small (but significant to them) rarity farming reward bumped off the leaderboard not by any existing game mechanic that was understood at the time they made the investment, but by a last minute “enhancement” that changed the rules after the game has started.

Just my smol PP opinion but I think we are headed down the wrong path here.


I fully support the opinion of this gentleman. In my personal opinion, this technology should be applied after the end of the third Haunt.


“Think about this scenario, day one of season 2 a new holder sees their brand new gotchi, slated for a small (but significant to them) rarity farming reward bumped off the leaderboard not by any existing game mechanic that was understood at the time they made the investment, but by a last minute “enhancement” that changed the rules after the game has started.”

I think this perfectly applies to the H1 holder as well. You feel bad for the person who joined 2 weeks ago and spent a small sum (tho big to them, granted) on a medium BRS gotchi, but you don’t feel bad for the person who joined 2 months ago and put a huge sum (maybe half their portfolio? Some people here claim to be All In on Aavegotchi) into a 540+ H1 gotchi? They thought they were paying a premium for a gotchi that would remain competitive and build badges for seasons to come, yet now they are bumped off the (top 100) leaderboard by unexpected dilution without RF rewards keeping up.

Which of these two hypothetical people has contributed more to the project? Whose interests should be protected? What will lead to sustained adoption (this is my goal too!)? (I don’t want to recap more here, as I wrote a long post above on why “players who have an advantage” is a nonsensical idea that hurts everyone.)

Since personal motives are important here, I’ll say that I not only own more H2 gotchis than H1, but also got considerably luckier in H2 portal openings. The best thing for me for all three leaderboards would be to eradicate all H1 gotchis and just have H2, yet somehow not crash the entire project. But that’s the opposite of success to me, because adoption only matters if it lasts and brings in new value week upon week.

I agree that unexpected rule changes = feeling rugged. I want to avoid that experience for all gotchigang, whether they joined today or a 18 months ago, whether whale or dophin or plankton. And I’m not even arguing that this needs to be implemented before S2, just that I don’t agree with your reasoning.

By the way, there is no such thing as a smol PP opinion here, fren. Thanks for sharing your viewpoint, as I’m actually not sure what I think yet on timing and appreciate not only different perspectives, but the chance to think things through by responding.