Proposal: Allow buying one portal for every address which had at least 100 GHST at block number 11516320 on Matic Network

Could we use a solution similar to what we did with Red Santa Hat?

I have a similar suggestion to the one below.

This time it is PORTAL to donate (or sell at the same price as Haunt1). → Receive items like the Red Santa Hat.


Great. I imagine this proposal is meant to entitle everyone and not just those that weren’t able to purchase a portal, right? Sure, I’ll take another portal :slight_smile:

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I would vote for this if it became a governance vote.

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I think some version of this could be fair. Transactions weren’t going through, it was a nightmare. What was the point of holding these tokens for 6 month I’ll never be able to afford get an aavegotchi now

I quit this game, I want to play the game but the way the admin managed to sell the portal was stupid, many guys get a lot of portals while the others have no one. Now it created a big gap between buying and selling. I came early to this project and expected how the game was build but I am disappointed with the team. So goodbye the project.


So did it go through? I’ve bought a used portal for 400, but still… :rofl:

Where is @coderdan in this thread !? The vote has been asked, submitted, voted with 1 millions GHST and it’s the most fairplay proposal I’ve seen. Even some whales did vote yes.

we obviously reach the quorum…

When all the peeps ask for that but you let 25 portal per TRX… when all the small pocket ask for 5 or 10 portals, we didn’t the force vote power to make it done…

At least one for the early birds

We are preparing a Core vote and a full socials campaign to handle the Haunt 2 vote. It’s of critical importance that the entire Aavegotchi community be aware that this vote is happening and be incentivized to participate.

This is a great proposal and will definitely be a considered option in the final Core vote.

However, if you guys really want this proposal to be taken seriously by the larger community, you need to do your homework. Someone should create a list of eligible addresses at this block and make a .csv export so we know exactly how many addresses there are. The .csv export and the script that was used to calculate them should be uploaded to a public Github repo so anyone can scrutinize it.

If no one knows how to do this, you can try visiting the #devs-chat channel in Discord and asking around.

Look forward to seeing progress on this!


I should add that this should be done swiftly, if you want this proposal to be included in the Core vote. Without these numbers, it will be difficult for people to seriously consider this idea.


I agree that this proposal shouldn’t have been published without snapshot details. My calculations were rough at the point of the proposal. And I agree, that snapshot should be done by the community, and not by the core team.

Also, I changed my mind, and I think there should be no sales or airdrops of portals until haunt 2. Haunt 1 sale was smooth and great.

Lol that is quite the 180… what happened?

I guess most people realized that an immediate haunt 2 with no upgraded infrastructure such as filters etc. on the baazaar would flood the market and devalue current gotchis.

Nah understand and agree but found it funny how the original response has went from the noted comments to state haunt 1 was smooth and great… Think that is a bit of a stretch and believe we can all admit there are areas where we can learn from and incorporate for the second haunt…

This is comedy gold right there :laughing:


The way a large part of the community was treated(ignored/disregarded) after this haunt will devalue your gotchis the most long term. Mark my words.


what is it that makes you think you were ignored/disregarded? genuine question.

(and obviously beyond ‘team didn’t immediately dispatch portals to failed transaction addresses’)

This proposal was hasty. I was wrong in proposing it. Is admitting wrong is a comedy?

The distribution of the portals is a great example the sale was fair. Yes, demand is very high, but the rule is that there are only 10k portals per haunt. And anyone, who doesn’t agree with that can make a proposal and implement it.

How was a large part of the community mistreated? Ignoring moonbois who joined a day before launch and wished death upon people who got a portal (this is sadly not made up) isn’t disregarding “a large part of the community”.

There has been rational discussion about how to handle a second haunt on the forum and the DAO hasn’t reached any consensus so far. In this thread I’ve only seen demands so far, no actual solutions. This is not how you get taken seriously.

If you think gotchis are gonna devalue over time anyways, why even want one? Being salty won’t get you very far.

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The point is that whales did vote 25 portals per TRX, we knew it at the beginning it was shitty solution for everyone…