Proposal: one portal for those who missed out

Grabbing 25 portals for 5500 GHSTs and then “airdropping” for some advertising activities, as one of the dudes does in this forums, or instantly charging 10x more on bazaar are normal marketing things? The demand was very high, and it is very good for the game, but how could the creators not forsee that it would be destroyed by the reseller? I’m from the Netherlands, I can afford buying those gotchis even for 5k, but I wont do it, because this sale was very unfair to all the rest who live in less wealthier parts of the world. Screw such marketing! The rich got richer again. And thinking that people can rebuy for 500 GHST if they really want to is a complete ignorance of how it is in the world.


What was unfair about the sale exactly if you don’t mind me asking?

From my view, everyone that wanted to be involved knew the time, date and cost. So considering even some of the devs weren’t successful in obtaining portals, it seemed fair.

There’s lots of things in the world I would like to do but cannot afford them, I don’t go complaining to these places that they’re too expensive or not accessible enough for the less wealthy. You can afford to buy 5K gotchis, great. I could only afford to get 1 single portal for the 100 GHST I paid for it, and if I wasn’t successful I wouldn’t be able to get a single thing off the baazaar.

The only issue was the transactions failing for multiple people, whether that was because of technical or user issues.


What if the same thing happens and you miss out again on the new haunt? Another one?

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If there was say a cap 1 Aavegotchi per wallet per day for example. (someone has a better example) Maybe everyone would be able to buy one. Point is the tax on whales was ineffective and resulted in no real solution to whales taking most of the portals which is just not fair to the small fry. Why join a community that allows this to happen and does nothing reasonable to try and fix it? If there’s no way of people getting a portal at a reasonable price (Like the price that we where told they would initially be) then it just doesn’t feel welcoming or feel like a community.

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Gas price in unfair. If you buy 25, you get a faster transaction, correct me if I’m wrong. I wanted to buy only 2 gotchis, for myself and for my kid. Second is: 25 portals per wallet “to limit the whales”. Creators should have told us in the beginnig that the price for a gotchi is ~5k, and if you pay less you have a small chance of obtaining one out of leftovers. Kind of unfair from their side saying “10000 portals for sale” don’t you think? I understand that this kind of sale is what makes a hype, info spread, news and prices skyrocketing etc., but blockchain system was created for other purposes wasn’t it? I found out about this project about 2 months ago only, but I feel really sorry for those that were really into the game for half a year or so and got 0 in the end.

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does not make sense. no need for all this. I can see the price of portal in the bazaar getting more acceptible. so go there and buy if you miss the chance. guess if no one buy in bazaar buy, the price will go down and then you can get yours.


I agree, I could get a closed portal for 500 ghst about 1h after launch on baazaar so prices will go down if none buys them


As I said in a previous topic, I have zero understanding of gas price. Yet I managed to have the web page open on launch, and when it all went live I got myself 1 portal with the only 100 GHST I had. I wouldn’t even know how or what to adjust, I sat there patiently letting the process go through rather than refreshing constantly because after 2 seconds nothing had happened. So I can’t correct you as I don’t know, I can only say that myself and others who weren’t looking at buying more than 1-2 still got them by following the exact process anyone else did.

As for the limit, that’s a non issue. You set the limit at 25, whales gonna find a way to buy as many as possible. You set it low to 1-2 per wallet, whales gonna find a way to buy as many as possible. If the project wasn’t as popular as it is, you still would’ve had people trying to buying as many as possible. That goes for any market, and is pretty much impossible to counteract for sales like this.

I also feel sorry for anyone who invested a lot more into this and came away with nothing. But there are always risks involved, nothing at any point gave a guarantee that everyone that invested or participated would get a gotchi or portal. From what I’ve seen here on the forums, the people upset want it to be inclusive for everyone regardless of the cost and supply, as long as it’s not at the expense of themselves not getting one, which is contradictory and not inclusive.

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We need explanations first of why transactions did not go through/failed, not just some rumors from pseudoexperts as myself. But it was really an unpleasant experience watching those numbers go down while payment pending! :rofl:


That I agree, though I imagine if they do give an explanation there will still be people unsatisfied unfortunately whatever the outcome. I only hope that whatever happens the community still believe and invest in the project with the passion they’re showing currently in having these discussions.

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I agree to this, otherwise idea was retarded

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Actually i buy open portal 200 ghst so i considered a bit lucky but i did fail to have 13 portals… but that was my fault. (double authentification missed)

But I’ll wait for the snapshop vote and if there isn’t a fairplay moove from the dev. I’ll consider to quit the adventure and sell all my ghst for a different project.

We voted for just 10 portals per TX, the ape tax didn’t change a thing. because if you can sell a fuckin portal for ten time the price. you are the winners so all the winners are the peeps with a lot of money to invest after that making more money with selling it.

So ape tax was really a shitty system. OK Dev you have your money now but you will loose a big part of the community.

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If you want this to happen you need to outline it in the Aavogotchi Dao in a formal proposal for people to vote on.

There is already a disastrous proposal in which people who got denied at launch, but who also didn’t buy one in bazaar, get the chance to buy a portal.

That means if you really wanted one and bought one at inflated prices, you’d be shut out of the compensation. (And your gotchi would be less rare) Unfortunately, there are not guidelines on how to write a specific proposal so anything and everything gets voted on.

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Solid idea but needs to be implemented carefully. Big fan of this project for months. Testnet, UX feedback, and the occasional discord lurking. Spent lots of gas getting into position for the drop. It was over and done in seconds. Would be a great feature that hopefully does not dilute.

While I tried but failed to get a portal, I nearly spent my half year of GHST I carefully farmed buying re-sold open portals at inflated prices (8X drop cost).

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Ok. Now we can Vote for this!

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