Proposal to start Haunt 3

In truth, we have capacity for much more than 25k players. Efficient lending systems will afford 2-4 users per day. I agree with what’s been said, though. Let’s demonstrate significant growth in DAU and debut those sexy amGHST gotchis when we feel good about demand.


Very well put. I feel the frustration of owning a low BRS H1 Gotchi . I deligently pet him every 12 hrs only to find my self on the lower end of rarity farming. My Xp and kinship is all organic. I’ve feed my Gotchi 1 potion in its life time. So I am waiting for the time when my Gotchis value is recognize for being an OG. I think the number of portals should go up with every Haunt. Msking the fitst Haunt valuable based on rarity. Low BRS Gotchis need love too…


I completely disagree with this. You do not get addoption by diluting something into oblivion. You get that by offering good value. People are paying thousands and tens of thousands of $ for NFTs, you just need to give people a reason to pay it, offer value or a return, and attract them with good advertisement.

Also take into account the state of the current crypto market as a whole. People wont flood here suddenly when nothing is really performing well unless you offer something valuable. Lets release the gotchiverse, offer the value in the form of good gameplay, advertisement space, etc etc and then the adoption can follow. If the demand exceeds the supply we can get another haunt going, but until then it would ruin the NFT project as a whole.

We should think about ways to reward holders and retain value to the NFTs we have instead of endlessly diluting them and becoming a trash project.


I don’t think there is a real need to fill up empty land in the Citadel. If it opens and that is seen a clear issue, then it will be obvious to do another haunt… personally I doubt it though.

Howdy Frens

I also FOMO’d in to Gotchi and have a bag on my back that feels lighter than it used to… But the way of the investor is to take risks… I see the Gotchiverse pumping hard when it gets underway and the hype kicks off… and when the market in general pumps there will be plenty of interest in the cute little Gotchikins… I am happy with my H1 Frens and my H2 Frens and I cant wait to see the value moon in time… patience Frens… The Gotchiverse is only around the corner… And all the Alchemica will flow for all… Frens Together Stong :slight_smile: