*Pardon the weird terms, I’m making this up as I go along, but trying to keep it within mathematical certainty. TL;DR will be added per section for ease of discussion.
I’m going to add on more ideas that came to light from the BBB idea.
Advertisement Engine:
There should be an advertisement team to create an advertisement engine. What is it and how does it work? It must take in a lot of factors and many that aren’t seen currently will have to be found later on by the advertisement team, but there is a general skeleton that determines the campaigns needed in a particular country.
TL;DR - Targeted advertisement is better than general advertisement.
Analogy: Aavegotchi is a large car driving uphill in a new country and its engine is the advertisement engine. If Brave has a presence in this country already, then its roads will be decent as the BAT will be able to reach many in a pool of people ignorant of Aavegotchi. If it’s a holiday, then there is no acclimate weather to slow down the car as most people are on their phones/laptops during holidays, [I’m guessing it’s] basically prime time for BAT advertising. The type of gas grade is the language of the region and will facilitate the need for translators and a consensus mechanism that determines the quality of translation is at least better than Google Translate (A web crawler is a good idea for this, or chainlink might have oracle access to this data). The gas itself is always BAT, which I have described a mechanism for aggregating funds from the community using BBB. The car drives uphill as all of the conditions align to form a perfect storm. However, eventually fads fade, and the car runs out of gas. As the car rolls downhill, many people get off. While these people made money and Aavegotchi gained more revenue than was put in for advertisement; even though this is a win-win situation, it’s simply not enough profit for some people. At the end, those that stay on the car while rolling downhill back to Aavegotchi will become long term players (LTP).
TL; DR - Advertisement Engine Analogy/Philosophy. Necessary metrics to gauge Advertisement Engine Efficiency, Player preformation, STP, and LTP.
Through the life cycle of a potential player, each stage must be determined if it adds profit in some way, which will help gauge the true value of BAT utility. Whether the value added is greater than BAT’s literal value will not matter, the Advertisement team owns this mechanism, and should have house advantage, meaning they will pick the rewards model that gives less to players and more to the Advertisement Task Force. This would be whether it’s a discounted BAT model, or utilization valuation model. It needs to be determined which stages of the advertisement life cycle actually generate value.
TL;DR - While the utilization valuation model is more complex, it gauges whether a BAT discount is accurate, it may be a huge ripoff and we won’t know it without our own data. It may also allow to increase the discount so the program will not take away any value, it will only add value. This may also lead to advertisement-player arbitrage (more later).
Life Cycle: Person sees ad but doesn’t click, person clicks ad but doesn’t put money in, person puts money in but quits before player formation, person becomes a short term player (STP), but quits before becoming a long term player (LTP), person becomes LTP.
TL;DR - This is a challenge for the Advertising Task Force to determine the average value each step adds to Aavegotchi, and the average probability for each step. Each country will have a unique profile in these regards. This profile of probability and value per step per country is known as the Life Cycle Profile (LCP).
The metrics for Player Preformation, STP, and LTP will have to be determined by the Advertising Task Force and will probably be different per country.
If you could have multiple data overlays for the world, you could easily determine where to advertise next.
Factors of virgin advertisement consideration:
- Brave usage (X% of people use Brave as their browser)
- Legitimate Fiat on ramp (Don’t advertise in a country if players would have to use a VPN to get money to Aavegotchi).
- Cultural Aspect Consideration (Find holidays of a country to determine prime time).
- Economic Analysis (Generally poorer countries are better to advertise to, Aavegotchi may be an opportunity for them to find financial salvation).
- Demographics (can be determined after a short general campaign which demographic should be targeted)
- Unknown Factors.
*Unknown Factors are expected in the future as we learn more about every country’s culture.
TL;DR - These are a few major factors that will act as filters for new campaign considerations.
General Ad campaign: A general campaign that only needs to be translated for each new region. They can be packaged and reused in countries with the same language. Maybe advertisements can add a spin depending on the holiday.
General Ad Campaign:
- Fiat On-Ramp instructions (Finite)
- How to Play tutorials (Infinite)
- Ads (Finite)
*As the game’s features and functionalities grow, so will the translations needed.
The major expense of this is translation, but it is a high demand for advertisement. I’m not going to go into how consensus for translation will work, but things like embassies could be made in game, might be needed for taxes or other necessities for certain countries. Guilds for countries would be great, allow for cheaper rentals depending on if your countries guild decided on it. If they owned their own gotchis they could raise funds for advertisements. XYO could be used for third party verification of location for donations, so donations for people in Ukraine would be more direct. But who knows, the gotchi community could come together to help the world in some way, money and community is a powerful thing. Also you could use Google Translate, or you could have a quality translation, choose quality it will be worth it not to have an embarrassing ad campaign with translations. When I see a campaign with grammar errors I just smell a rugpull.
TL;DR - Translation is the main obstacle of advertisement, and global advertisement is where the money is at.
Advertisement-Player Arbitrage:
This is the end game of the advertisement engine. If you have the LCP of each country, and all other metrics to optimize advertisement, then you can determine the highest revenue gain from BAT utilization. You have no new countries to advertise to, you have a chunk of BAT, where will you put it to maximize profit just by choosing where to advertise?
TL;DR - After enough data, BAT to revenue efficiency would allow advertisement to be automated.
E-Sports Seasonal Events:
With games we can have competitions and make them major events, the possibility exists for the FUD Bowl, FOMO Bowl, ALPHA Bowl, KEK Bowl, GLTR Bowl, and GHST Bowl. I won’t go into specifics as I’ve written extensively about arcade contests, but tickets could be sold to make it an inclusive event. These events drive developer adoption and should be perpetuated by the Arcade Task Force. How rewards are determined from these competitions is determined by the Arcade Task Force.
TL;DR - E-Sports events can be advertised to bring in more players, sell tickets to a tournament event as a player or spectator, and protect a stream and make events memorable as expired ticket NFTs. Request for comment from Arcade Task Force. Content creators may be needed for new themes for each bowl annually.
Buy things with BAT:
The best part about including BAT in the Aavegotchi space is that it bridges the gap between what little financial barrier there was for player inclusivity. Lending gotchis makes them cheaper, yet you need a little bit of money, this can be fulfilled by F2E tokens, namely BAT. Have no money? An on ramp for BAT tipping would be able to get a rented gotchi after a month of using Brave, with money management after the fact, player’s money flow could be sustainable for better adoption.
Anyways, that’s a load off my mind. Aavegotchi should at least become a verified creator on Brave to have this access easy to play with later on, and some people may donate to Aavegotchi already if it were allowed, Aavegotchi won’t receive funds until it’s a verified creator.